eBay.in - How does it work?

Can anyone please explain me about this web site ?

I just got an brief idea about this website but i want to know whole procedure

How it works?


  • optimystix
    ebay.in was actually bazee.com earlier, before it was bought out by ebay.com and then changed to ebay.in.
    its basically a website where people can buy and sell new as well as used goods. both the buyers and sellers need to register there with proper details and only then they can make deals online through the website. there are several sets of rules and regulations for both buyers and sellers which are provided to help make online transactions easy and without any malpractices or cheating.

    The main advantage about ebay( or amazon or any other similar site) is that one can buy and sell products sitting from the comfort of their house. It is especially advantageous to shop keepers. just imagine, that u have a shop in a small town selling electronic goods. your sales will be limited to the no of people living in the area. But if u put up an online shop with sites such as ebay, you can have access to millions of online shoppers without much efforts. Ebay will index your products and put it up on ebay product search lists from where the buyer can make the purchase. That is the real power of ebay- getting access to millions of registered users for free.

    you can learn more about it from #-Link-Snipped-#

    I myself use ebay for some of my shopping requirements and i strongly recommend people to try it out. Ebay gives great offers too and one can use these to their advantage. For eg, one frequent discount offer I used to get was INR 200 off for a purchase of minimum INR 220. So imagine, using this offer, one can buy a product of about INR 250 and pay only INR 50(200 is discount). Also there are various other types of offers.

    One thing one must note it that, while it is a wonderful place to shop as almost everything one needs will get it there, most often prices will be a tad higher than the one you would get at wholesale markets. So its no good if you have physical access to such places. For eg, people living in India will find computer/electronic products cheaper in Lamington Road(Mumbai) or Nehru Place(Delhi) than in Ebay. But for people who dont know where these places are , or if they live in other regions, then definitely the ebay products will be cheaper than local listing and also one will have the convenience of being able to buy products from home.

    is there anything specific u wanted to know Goyal ?
  • Manish Goyal
    Manish Goyal
    thanks opti you have provided more than enough information to me especially the link is also helpful

    again thanks a lot
  • Ashraf HZ
    Ashraf HZ
    An advice I can give you is to be vigilant. Be patient on searching for good deals as well as reading through the reputation of the sellers by the buyers comments. It'll save you a lot of hassle if you know how reliable the seller is, since eBay has all sorts of people (good and bad).

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