DSL : Damn Small Linux

Since back 2008 of it's version release of 4.4.10, DSL was an inactive project. But recently John Andrews announced 4.11 RC2. Well that's good move to resurrect the dead Tux 😉
The 4.11 RC2 version of Damn Small Linux contains updated applications & major bug fixes.
DSL is still very useful if you own very slow processor computer, like celeron or pentium 3 with around 128MB & above all it's distro size is just about 50MB.
It runs very smooth in Celeron & P3 processors with 128 MB RAM, just wonder how fast it gonna perform in your quad-core processors with 2 or 4 GB RAM.

Damn Download it from #-Link-Snipped-#.


  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    I've used DSL long ago to practice Linux commands. But then used uBuntu for a long time, not as my primary OS though. For anyone to get used to Linux DSL is more than what you'd expect. I'm still curious to know how people use DSL apart from using it for learning purposes.

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