doubts in java

hi.............i want to take an array of integers as input using command line arguments. how can i do it? and please tell me what are environment variables? are they related with classpath?


  • Manish Goyal
    Manish Goyal
    Basic method of passing command line argument in java is as follow

    java a1 a2 a3 .....

    Now for declaration of command line argument we use this statement ,which is must for every java program

    public static void main(String args[])

    array can be declared as shown below

    int a[]=new int[6];

    Now since command line argument are in string form you can convert it into integer form by using this

    int n=Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

    For rest ,i hope you can use your programming skills. 😀
  • Morningdot Hablu
    Morningdot Hablu
    hi.............i want to take an array of integers as input using command line arguments.
    Can you post your code so that we can help you.
  • Varsha0802
    thanks..............i got my answer....................

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