  • Yet another debatable topic.
    Advertising, one of the most common words in the existing world. Advertising is the thing which can change the whole outlook of the product depending on how much popular your product becomes.
    Well, I feel that advertising do influence our lives. Generally, one would never go for a product he hasn't listened about or which is less popular and advertising is the one that leads to popularity. Its advertisements only that make people aware of your product. Its not that, only advertisements can be considered as the major deciding factor but its one of those major factors after quality,cost of the product etc.
    I would like to make my point clear by the following example:
    The cola companies, one of the leading companies of the world suddenly faced depreciation despite of being famous personalities involved in the advertisements coz of the pesticides scenario or we can say it quality of the product.Its advertisement only which led them to the top but its quality which dropped them.
    So,what do you guys think does advertising influence our lives??
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberOct 3, 2006

    Advertising influences teh buying behavior and shopping trend of the customers. However whether they influence our lives or not is a bit arguable issue.

    I guess advertising might influence but they shouldn't be allowed to.
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  • aashima

    MemberOct 3, 2006

    Advertising do influence the customers' mind. Specially in today's world, advertisement plays the major role in the marketting and selling of a product. But it rests with the descretion of an intelligent enough customer to differentiate between the good or the bad. Every product today is advertised in an over exaggertating mode.
    Famous personalities too play an important role in promoting the brands but customer's should wiosely decide to judge the product and not the advertisement!!!
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberOct 19, 2006

    It does influence our lives ... we cant complain about it ... we need it as much as it needs us. Its our right to choose.

    We need advertising to know that a product is out there, we can choose to purchase it, if we want to. I want to deliberate on these two terms ... it leads to one word ... choice.

    Secondly, advertisements are a way of communicating and raising awareness about a particular product. If I had not seen the ad about a particularly new revolutionary product, I would not have known what good that product is had I come across it. Thus, the ad helps in increasing my awareness, my knowledge about the product.
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberDec 4, 2006

    Advertising influences the buying behavior and shopping trend of the customers. However whether they influence our lives or not is a bit arguable issue.

    I guess advertising might influence but they shouldn't be allowed to.
    I disagree Mayur advertising are designed considering the buying behaviour and shoping trends. They influence or not is a different story. Cause you know the major bottleneck every individual is different and so is his taste,preference and attitude! 😁
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 3, 2007

    most people mistake the ads for what they are meant to be ...

    does ad influence our lives ... yes .... how else would u explain the fact that corporates pump in so much of money in them

    hrithik/sachin endorsing a brand for some reason appeals to a section of people and they trying to emulate them end up buying the product whther they use it or whether it is good is a differnet matter altogether
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  • aashima

    MemberMar 4, 2007

    hrithik/sachin endorsing a brand for some reason appeals to a section of people and they trying to emulate them end up buying the product whther they use it or whether it is good is a differnet matter altogether
    Well i guess this comes under the marketting strategies. If the companies persuade these famous celebraties to endrose for their products offering them a huge sum of money, its the public only that gets into the trap. We very well can compare the consumption of Coke, Pepsi with that of Mirinda. Or in a way we can say, we prefer star endrosed products than any other. If thats what influences people, why would any company leave the opportunity?
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  • vivekji

    MemberApr 15, 2008

    😡I'll Never forget this
    "These days actors and actress proclaim themselves as artists, i have never seen an Artist exposing their body, which god gave them to feed their children & Give life, for money to create a world on their own, deceiving the stupid multitudes"
    Swami Tatboananda.

    This is applicable in the case of advertisements too, Actors and actresses vouching for products and people buying those stuffs.

    Yet another debatable topic.
    Advertising, one of the most common words in the existing world. Advertising is the thing which can change the whole outlook of the product depending on how much popular your product becomes.
    Well, I feel that advertising do influence our lives. Generally, one would never go for a product he hasn't listened about or which is less popular and advertising is the one that leads to popularity. Its advertisements only that make people aware of your product. Its not that, only advertisements can be considered as the major deciding factor but its one of those major factors after quality,cost of the product etc.
    I would like to make my point clear by the following example:
    The cola companies, one of the leading companies of the world suddenly faced depreciation despite of being famous personalities involved in the advertisements coz of the pesticides scenario or we can say it quality of the product.Its advertisement only which led them to the top but its quality which dropped them.
    So,what do you guys think does advertising influence our lives??
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  • freak16

    MemberJan 29, 2011

    Advertising does shape our taste and perception towards the product we daily use. If whenevr any new product launches most of the time we want to give it a try.
    But how do we come to know about it.. obviously through advertisements. and if the product is endrosed by eminent personlaities like Sachin , Shahrukh , then the intensity of
    expectation is high. But it(product) will pocket a large sell in the begining but any intelligent and wiser person will not go for the same product if it does not meet the quality he or she wants.
    So advertisement is just a means of communication between the producer and consumer.
    And its onproducer how much can he make consumers fool.
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  • Deepika Bansal

    MemberJan 29, 2011

    Agree with freak. Advertisements play an important role in deciding whether we'll try that product or not. This is quite obvious that if we're satisfied with the product, we'll re-buy it else we'll not. But attracting the customers for the first time is done by the advertisements and the brand status in the market.

    Did someone remember that how 'SURF EXCEL' advertised its new advertisement which was launched on Jan 1st, 2011. They developed the curiosity about their advertisement in the mind of common people. This is the importance of advertisements.
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  • Reya

    MemberJan 29, 2011

    It does influence our lives ... we cant complain about it ... we need it as much as it needs us. Its our right to choose.

    We need advertising to know that a product is out there, we can choose to purchase it, if we want to. I want to deliberate on these two terms ... it leads to one word ... choice.

    Secondly, advertisements are a way of communicating and raising awareness about a particular product. If I had not seen the ad about a particularly new revolutionary product, I would not have known what good that product is had I come across it. Thus, the ad helps in increasing my awareness, my knowledge about the product.
    I second you!
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    MemberFeb 2, 2011

    Believe me, Advertising is really necessary and has no adverse effects on society unless advertising is of bad things.Let us take for example we have mobile number portability.If we haven't heard about,We will not be benefited.Again we need info.Its a human want.We need advertising so that society can have cheap an good quality services available.i.e; best fit commodities in a given budget...😀
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