Does a "CREATOR" really exist ?

The science until now has not provided with a concrete evidence about the existence of a cosmic force, a god or a creator if you will. But billions like to believe existence of a GOD that created the universe.
Our ancient literature tells us about how gods created the universe from nothing. So is it god or just the good ol' big bang that is the creator ?
What should one believe in if there aren't enough proofs to support the creator theory ?
Is it to be accepted just based on faith or are there signs that we are not capable enough to pick up ?
What do you guys think ?


  • zaveri
    Obviously it is GOD who is the creator. And this is an indisputed fact.
  • K!r@nS!ngu
    According to science , there might be no proof but, a feeling that god exists, keeps us on right track and it's Just a feeling, it may vary from one persons to other person.
  • Oceanliner
    Here's paradox for you to ponder then. It seems like scientist find in study after study that being religious makes you healthier, have more kids, live longer, smoke and drink less etc. All in all science seems to point to the fact the the most rational thing to do is to dump the "On the Origin of Species" in favour for whichever dogmatic book that is close at hand.
  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    I recently watched an online documentary about the 'Chaos'. 'Energy' is the creator of everything; is what I believe.
  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    All true scientists are probably agnostics. Agnosticism maintains that the truth about certain claims (like creation) are either unknown or unknowable.
    The Nasadiya Sukta of Rigveda is one of the first exponents of this view.
    Nasadiya Sukta
    The term itself was coined by the British biologist Thomas Huxley, grandfather of Sir Julian and Aldous Huxley.

    Personally I find it difficult to believe in a Timeless, Infinite Entity, which at the same time is separate from the universe. We all have to be necessarily part of It.
  • zaveri
    As far as creation of the world is concerned, then scientific views should never be considered seriously.

    here is an example:

    science claims that human beings evolved from monkeys.

    But the holy books claim that GOD created man (ADAM) from dust. And we all accept this.

    Besides science does not have any idea as to what monkeys evolved from.
  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    But the holy books claim that GOD created man (ADAM) from dust. And we all accept this.
    I beg to disagree. I certainly do not accept this.
    If God were timeless and Infinite, God cannot have a form, It cannot have a gender nor can It be external to anything at any time.
    Please read the material from Berkeley, which shows you how anthropoids evolved.
  • Ankita Katdare
    Ankita Katdare
    The Nasadiya Sukta of Rigveda is one of the first exponents of this view.
    Nasadiya Sukta
    Read the complete Nasadiya Sukta -

    किमावरीव: कुहकस्यशर्मन्नभ: किमासीद्गहनंगभीरम्॥१॥

    नमृत्युरासीदमृतंनतर्हिनरात्र्या।आन्ह।आसीत्प्रकॆत: ।
    आनीदवातंस्वधयातदॆकंतस्माद्धान्यन्नपर: किंचनास॥२॥


    कामस्तदग्रॆसमवर्तताधिमनसॊरॆत: प्रथमंयदासीत्।

    तिरश्चीनॊविततॊरश्मीरॆषामध: स्विदासी३दुपरिस्विदासीत्।
    रॆतॊधा।आसन्महिमान्।आसन्त्स्वधा।आवस्तात्प्रयति: परस्तात्॥५॥

    कॊ।आद्धावॆदक‌।इहप्रवॊचत्कुत।आअजाताकुत।इयंविसृष्टि: ।

    यॊ।आस्याध्यक्ष: परमॆव्यॊमन्त्सॊआंगवॆदयदिवानवॆद॥७॥

    and the loose translation of the 4 verses -

    not the non-existent existed, nor did the existent exist then
    then not death existed, nor the immortal
    breathing without breath, of its own nature, that one
    from great heat (tapas) was born that one

    -> Summarize to everything being created from energy.
  • Anoop Kumar
    Anoop Kumar
    I don't find any discussion about God existance.
    If anyone says GOD don't exists,
    It's like a person sitting in front of a computer (which never shut down) doing all things and saying "I can see all the hardware, even I launch office and other applications.but I don't see any operating system.Where should I find it?".
  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    but I don't see any operating system.Where should I find it?".
    Unfortunately tthere are many operating systems.
  • zaveri

    You said it dude.


    All that never matters. just like berkely i too can do an article showing how humans evolved from fishes !!!!
  • Oceanliner
    I don't find any discussion about God existance.
    If anyone says GOD don't exists,
    It's like a person sitting in front of a computer (which never shut down) doing all things and saying "I can see all the hardware, even I launch office and other applications.but I don't see any operating system.Where should I find it?".
    Sometimes it might feel like my operating system is a self aware beeing 😀 In your metaphore a geek named Bill (or his antagonist Steve) would be the creating god. The question then will always be who created Bill?.. and who created whomever that was etc., why not using a Macintosh or my own Linux OS? Believing in a creator does not make the question about how everything came into being any easier to explain. Rather it's the opposit. Sticking with "ockhams razor" I choose the explanation that requires the least amount of assumptions.
  • shreyasstar
    #-Link-Snipped-# and #-Link-Snipped-# your explanation of operating system being existent is fair...
    but where is the proof ?
    After all we know the OS exists and we can prove it too, but that is not the case with CREATOR theory.
    I got what you wanted to say but then we are stuck at the same question, unless we dont have proof, what to believe ?
  • sickboy
    I’ve always been a believer in a ‘higher force’ and that has nothing to do with being a massive star war fan. (really!) It’s somewhat faith based as I have no real evidence as such. I believe our planet started out on its own and went down the many ages path, but was visited by beings from other planets at stages in its history.

    We had an international debate a while ago; we connected via the internet with an Astronomy club in the United States. I opened with the following statement as to stimulate the group and get peoples thoughts and views on the subject. (I took it a little bit off the conventional celestial track)

    ‘History’s signs and symbols, human behaviour as evidence of extraterrestrial life forms’

    Throughout mans time on Earth we have been presented with lots of clues as to where we come from or who has visited us down the centuries. We can look at cave drawings and old paintings that depict flying machines and even astronauts long before it was possible for man to fly or for humans to know what a spaceman might look like. I have myself wondered about the phenomenon of UFO’s and came up with a theory when I was a teenager that they could be instances of time travel, some futuristic military project or indeed maybe some tourist time travel company, making historic events a reality for future travellers.

    I started then looking at the sings and symbols around our planet, because we as humans have always left clues and signs as to what we were about, how we lived our lives and when we lived our lives. If you take a look at some of the many signs that can only made clear by elevation, then what you discover is that humans in the past have created symbols on the ground that were intended to be seen by the ‘gods’ or other life forms in flying machines. I then started to study the “Cargo Cults” and specifically the Islanders of the Pacific during World War II.

    Many of these islands and their inhabitants had never before seen modern men, they had never observed an airplane or knew of the advances of flight and other technology. But these islands were used by the military in World War II as landing, refuelling and resupply bases. A benefit of having the military stationed on an island was the new foods that were tasted and the new technology observed. These islanders that had never before seen such sights were being introduced to a totally new way of life, smack bang into the modern world. They ate new foods and tasted sweets for the first time, they heard radio and music and most of them really enjoyed the new lifestyle and ‘perks’ that these ‘Gods’ brought them. And that is the key to this right there, one word, Gods, for they treated the soldiers like gods, gods that came from the skies and brought them all these new delights.

    When world war two ended and the last military left the islands something strange started to happen. As the years went by and modern man went back to visit the islands and observe the islanders what they seen was new religions had been started around the visit by modern man. The islanders in hope that the gods would one day return, built giant airplanes from straw and bamboo that sat on runways. They lit fires and were seen standing on the improvised runways waving their hands and lit torches as to mimic the flight controllers that had come when the war was raging. Some other leaders within the Islanders community, knowing full well that the military men would never return, setup fake cults in the hope to brainwash followers and become even more prominent within their selected groups. Over 50 years on and some of these islands are still worshiping the ‘Gods’ of world war II and the people they selected as leaders because of things they brought and the stories passed down by their visit.

    When humans are introduced to something new, just like the modern trends we see today, we want to copy or rebuild. Something that makes us enjoy or a little happier about who and what we are, or something or someone that brings us new things or even new hope, we idolise and worship. And we have been doing this for 1000’s of years. Take then if you will a look back at ancient art and what we have documented in the past, we have as I have said above, art constructed from the land that can only be seen in its entirety from the skies, we also have ancient artwork, paintings and hieroglyphics that depict space men in very aerodynamic shaped crafts, helicopter type machines and men dressed in modern looking spacesuits.

    Did these men of old get visits from the skies, is this why they chose to paint and therefore document? I can see why some ancient civilisations might wish to worship the skies and stars, as passing comets and even falling asteroids would have been a misunderstood, yet dramatically amazing event to them, but this still does not explain the many more sophisticated art of men with helmets presented inside flying craft and the need to document from below with a clear thought on someone or something looking from above.

    So why were these things documented and can we take the cargo cults as examples of understanding the behaviour of why ancient humans would worship and feel the need to draw flying machines.
  • Anoop Kumar
    Anoop Kumar
    #-Link-Snipped-# and #-Link-Snipped-# your explanation of operating system being existent is fair...
    but where is the proof ?
    After all we know the OS exists and we can prove it too, but that is not the case with CREATOR theory.
    I got what you wanted to say but then we are stuck at the same question, unless we dont have proof, what to believe ?
    please take this as example. Ok ,
    Can you prove this to a 5 year old child who just insisting to touch the operating system?😀.
  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    It is my opinion that in the absence of proof each creates his/her own Creator, which is perfectly valid for that person.
    Each one is fully entitled to his/her belief as I am to my reservations. This topic is irresolvable by debate.
  • Mr.Don
    I don't know about whether GOD exist or not but I strongly believe that Creator do exist and with immense Energy.


    We know where it's all end , A Black Hole and Black screen when we close our eyes but how it'll start there must something more mature than what we see, should create this. But who does? who creates this? Now, this a million dollar question. Is God the Creator? Hm, we don't know, Whether God is creator or not but let us think this way, air is everywhere in universe but we requires fan to feel it. Energy is everywhere but we require a driving force to utilize it and that driving force might certainly would be God which lies with in you.


    Energy is infinite then the Creator would be immortal(or might have had very long life). Now my point is Will Black Holes(matter) ever terminate! Do they have an end? Hm, don't know again. But, Now we know how they will generate and, we know earth has an end too. Hence, nothing could be immortal or infinite but certainly it could be a huge number which is driving us to life.
  • durga ch
    durga ch
    blind faith should never overshadow logical thinking.
    ANything unkown cannot be attributed to something again which is unknown.
    We have been taught since childhood to be god fearing, what exaclty is constitutes god no one speaks about.It definitly cannot be omnipresent.
  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    blind faith should never overshadow logical thinking.
    ANything unkown cannot be attributed to something again which is unknown.
    We have been taught since childhood to be god fearing, what exaclty is constitutes god no one speaks about.It definitly cannot be omnipresent.
    Maybe science fails us to teach that something that's unknown or cannot be defined by science 'may exist'. 😀
  • durga ch
    durga ch
    that constitutes dark matter 😁.many things which cannot be 'seen' can be explained with maths. This is waht I concluded after I couldnot completly comprehend how universe elvoved from energy which is relative to mass and vice versa. But maths does it all.
    nevertheless, its not the unknown which is bothersome , but the practises which gets associated with this unknown object are!
    PS: it depends on how you read my signature 😉
  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    For the records sake, Mathematics has not been able to define the Universe yet; they thought they were close; but soon realized that they're far.
  • durga ch
    durga ch
    may be- may be not. When theory of relativity took ages to be understood, there is no wonder defining origin of universe would be complex act, but still that might be out of bounds of human mind , but can.should never be attributed to unknown.
    Sorry, whatever might eb the arugment, I cant just accept the idea. I dont say humans are supreme power, no one was ever -nor its pride on human achievments, i rather think its nature of objects, but again this nature cannot be attributed to god.
    intially rain was attirbuted to gods, fire was attirbuted to gods, yes we derive energy from sun and we sustain because of sun- but air nor water were never gods. they sustained life, if these elements can be called as gods , then these elements wer themselves 'result' of a 'cause'.
    We now know how these are formed, but yes- we could unravel only so much. there is much more to know.
  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    In general scientists are true agnostics. Yes and maybe. 'No' only when proof exists to the contrary.
    Except for the perpetual motion and interstellar travel fixation of bioramani.
  • robo_warrior
    no offences but i think their is no god ,no next life ,its fake
    if god existed then probably no 2 year infant would die of malnutrition afterall what sins have they commited
  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    Death due to malnutrition is what Americans love to call collateral damage, when civilians are killed in a military operation. The parents had no business getting children they cannot feed. The problem is that for many of the so called 'below the poverty line' procreation is the only recreation.
    God, if there is one, is actually saving the child from the troubles caused by the irresponsibility of parents.
  • shreyasstar
    The other day, there was a show attempting to find the same answer and they had various theories to explain our existence.
    The one which I found interesting was that we are just a part of a computer program, our behavior determined by functions and life defined by the number of lines of code we are programmed to execute. Thus the CREATOR in this case would be the superior entity that had programmed the entire virtual simulation which we call life, that is we all live inside a big simulation controlled by someone.
    They defined our "atoms" as nothing but "pixels" in the simulated world. Thus as atoms constitute matter, pixels constitute the simulated universe.
    Sounds very filmy but interesting...
  • DeepsV
    i do believe in existence of some force(religions call it GOD) which is above all, and controlling all of us. i many a times had a feeling that some unknown energy is supporting us even in our harsh times. it may simply be faith be still it is there.
    i suggest all the engineers in this forum to read "THE LOST SYMBOL" by Dan Brown. it is really interesting and somewhat related to this topic.

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