  • Have a look: #-Link-Snipped-#

    Now, the struggle of going from 99% to 1% is nothing new. But as you can see from the list, there are a handful of tech people there too. What I feel is being in the 1% is like the epitome of human life. Don't jump just yet! These people are incredibly rich, isn't that one of the biggest reason we all are working, if not "the" reason? Secondly, they are not only looting the only, they give a handsome amount to charity, again a handful of them! I have never seen anyone doing as much charity as Bill Gates. They are incredibly geniuses(at least those 50 people who are self made billionaire!). Reaching to 1% is not that a big deal, staying there is. So, in any form, they are the people, who have actually made it big, thousands of people look up to them and millions of people are struggling to be there.

    My question here is: Do you want to be the 1%? And by 1% I mean one of those 50 self made billionaires. If yes, How? (Don't worry, you can leave out the specifics of your plan!). If no, why not?
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJan 19, 2015

    If no, why not?
    And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”
    Job 1:21

    I find it difficult to keep track of the few FDs and such that I have. Certainly don't want the hassle of getting and managing astro sums.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 19, 2015

    If given a chance I'd really love to be that 1%; because that will give me the power to distribute that wealth to those who need it in the form of self-sustained systems.
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  • Shreyas Sule

    MemberJan 19, 2015

    Saw an interesting video related to this inequality:
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJan 19, 2015

    I believe it's not wrong to dream of being in the 1% if it gets you out of the bed early every morning, charged up to head out and conquer at your work.

    The answer to 'How?' in your question is I believe very tough to answer. All that's in our hands is keep doing the work we love and believe in, religiously. All the while dreaming the dream. If the dream will come true or not, we never know. But if we do nothing about it, it probably never will. So, what we do at work at every day just increases or decreases the chances.

    I saw a Japanese Drama series named 'OSHIN', it used to be aired on Doordarshan back in the 90s. It's a story of a woman born in Japan in 1901 as a really poor sharecropper's daughter, who spends more than half her life trying to make it on her own. Through sewing machines, running eatery, selling fish for over 40+ years, she ends up owning Japan's biggest supermarket chain (and in the process, super wealthy).

    Not once in the series is she sure of her being a billionaire. She just keeps working tirelessly day-in day-out. 😀
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  • Pensu

    MemberJan 19, 2015

    And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”
    Job 1:21

    I find it difficult to keep track of the few FDs and such that I have. Certainly don't want the hassle of getting and managing astro sums.
    Sir, I am not just talking about the money. I am talking about making a difference. As I took example of Bill Gates. Even Mark Zuckerberg is travelling across the globe to provide free internet to everyone. With money comes power to make a difference. I am sitting here earning few lakhs a year can't do that, as I need it for my survival alone. There are qualified people to take care of money i.e. CAs. The idea is to reach there and change things. Because let's be frank, money is big tool and if you are looking to do something big, it's hard to it without money.

    Yes, there are people like Kailash Satyarthi who are changing lives, but it takes 30 years to be recognized, plus very few of those succeed to make impact on a global level.
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  • Pensu

    MemberJan 19, 2015

    Ankita Katdare
    I believe it's not wrong to dream of being in the 1% if it gets you out of the bed early every morning, charged up to head out and conquer at your work.

    All that's in our hands is keep doing the work we love and believe in, religiously. All the while dreaming the dream. If the dream will come true or not, we never know. But if we do nothing about it, it probably never will. So, what we do at work at every day just increases or decreases the chances.
    That actually sums up the point I was trying to make. Reminds me of Scott Adams theory of increasing your odds!
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJan 19, 2015

    plus very few of those succeed to make impact on a global level.
    There is no requirement to make such an impact. Whatever your status you can make an impact, which will be useful to the person receiving your aid.
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  • Pensu

    MemberJan 19, 2015

    There is no requirement to make such an impact. Whatever your status you can make an impact, which will be useful to the person receiving your aid.
    I am sorry to say but isn't that kind of a pessimistic approach. I mean it's fine if I could make change for people in a household, but what if I can do it for 5000 households. Shouldn't I be gunning for it? Or should I be happy with doing anything I could?
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJan 19, 2015

    Or should I be happy with doing anything I could?
    What I mean is that your attitude to make a change is what counts. With that you will always make a difference that counts.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJan 19, 2015

    The other issue is that to get to the 1% how many were pushed (Completely unintentionally perhaps) to the 48% that live below US$2/day as given here:
    <a href="">If the World were 100 People</a>

    Considering the huge number in dire straits, whether one helps just one person or a 1000 it is not too significant.
    What is all important is the drive to help that actuates a person.
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  • rahul69

    MemberJan 20, 2015

    I agree with Ramani sir, Thing is, the more one will earn, the more one will want. With increased wealth, unnecessary things gets important. Today we talk of development and technology, but actually we are harming the environment and their-by harming ourselves,but that's another thing.

    In my viewpoint, When people are poor(ie have less resources), they talk about changing the world if they could get rich, but when they actually get rich, they become like other rich people, since their society changes, earlier they knew the pain of poor, now they don't.

    If somebody is giving 1 million to charity, (& he is earning 1 billion) it's will make no difference as it will be only 0.1% of what he earned. Now one may say he gave a big amount, but with other 99.9% he will want other things & having so much he will spend lavishly hence increasing inflation in long term, & that 1 million he donated will be like 100 rupees if he wouldn't have gotten rich.
    Thing is, resources on this planet are limited and if we some of us get extremely rich, it will not affect those who can get somewhat rich, but those who remain on bottom, their life will be worse than hell.
    So the 0.1% will mean nothing, if he could have donated 50% that might have brought change, a little bit, (but who in right mind give away 500 million for free, right).

    Some may get rich by hardwork, but there will be others, who will be motivated by seeing rich and may choose wrong paths to get rich quickly, which will in turn decrease moral values in humans. I know, this sounds strange, but it's a fact. Do a google search and it will come to notice that even in US, rich are getting richer but at the same time poor are getting poorer, and this gap is what onsets other issues, as helpless have no hope, it's like the movie In Time : For few to be immortal, many must die.
    I know I got a little emotional, but that's just me, Ignore what I have written if u disagree, as everybody have its own viewpoint, and I just shared mine. 😀
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  • Pensu

    MemberJan 20, 2015

    I agree with you #-Link-Snipped-#. But my idea here was to take a little more pragmatic approach to the subject rather than a philosophical one. Things like why are we even working? And trust me, I am as emotional as the next guy, but when you think practically, money matters. If you are earning 10K and giving 1K to charity, and if you are earning 1000K and giving 10K to charity, I will take the latter option any day.(And I am talking about hard earned money, not the one inherited or by fooling people.) The point here is being able to help 99%, to make change in their lives, by being the 1%, like Google does with a lot of their initiatives. I am not sure if that's the right thinking/approach, but in my mind it does sound good!
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJan 26, 2015

    I literally laughed and fell on ground when I read those 80 names.

    Where are Rothschild & Rockerfellers - the real rockerfeller ?
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  • Pensu

    MemberJan 26, 2015

    Abhishek Rawal
    Where are Rothschild & Rockerfellers - the real rockerfeller ?
    I guess it's because their money is distributed among family members. As a family they are worth a lot more, but as individuals no one comes close to other billionaires!
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJan 26, 2015

    I guess it's because their money is distributed among family members. As a family they are worth a lot more, but as individuals no one comes close to other billionaires!
    Or maybe only puppets are listed in websites like Forbes? Or Forbes is controlled by Masonic steeze cheese.
    Shout out to Willie Randolf Hearst's legacy ? 😯
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