  • The war of words is going on for quite some time now.

    But the question still remains intact - Do we really need twitter?

    It is more about twitter because the only thing we have is the status updates of atmost 140 characters.

    Do you find it interesting enough to keep you engaged and bring you back more and more often as you visit this microblogging website.
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  • madhumurundi

    MemberOct 27, 2009

    yes... we need a twitter its the only & only media where almost all are updating status [😀]
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  • MaRo

    MemberOct 27, 2009

    I don't need it, I just like it because I found important people followed me.
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  • durga ch

    MemberOct 27, 2009

    @ Maro : Lucky you!!! improtant people following 😀

    The guy who introduced me to twitter , told me" if ou are free at work and your manager is not around, this is a good timepass". this was soem 9 months agao or so..
    I dont find interest in twitter . I rather would FB as I have my UNI freinds in it and its easy for me to be updated with UNi evets and official events.
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  • vik001ind

    MemberOct 28, 2009

    I use facebook! twitter is not so popular
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberOct 30, 2009

    Guys, its not fair to talk about a product if you do not know how to use it 😀.

    That's like me saying - "Do we really need proctoscopes?". Just because I do not know or appreciate an instrument does not make it a bad product. It just means that the product is not meant for you 😀
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  • durga ch

    MemberOct 30, 2009

    @ Kidakaka,
    yup may be you are right! I dont use it as I never felt the need for it 😀. We were just thinking how 'far' one needs it and not making an attempt to abuse it, I believe there are around 20Million people who use twitter and sure it might be of some use for them, it's just that we don't find much use with it!
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  • vishnu priya

    MemberOct 30, 2009

    Thats true kidakaka..
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  • callyD

    MemberNov 8, 2009

    The 140 characters never causes a problem for me. But it's more of a business tool than fun. Facebook being a more socialable and easy to use networking site its easier for me and I enjoy it!
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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberNov 8, 2009

    So it comes down to one's interests and one's needs that influence the choice of either of the two mega sites Twitter or Facebook

    What do you think is in store in the future for these two?
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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberNov 8, 2009

    What you foresee coming up behind these two doors which are knocked by millions everyday?
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  • just2rock

    MemberNov 9, 2009

    I will suggest lets crack it on Twitter & these being most popular blogs across & maximum of online surfers roll out here & it will be good front of bringing in more crowd
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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberNov 11, 2009

    My question still remains unanswered

    What you see upcoming in twitter and facebook?
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