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  • Rupam Das

    MemberDec 4, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# :
    Aadit Kapoor
    But one drawback is that customers are always in a hurry, and they everything to be fast.

    I just found the whole process long.
    Have you got your Passport?
    Have you appeared for PhD entrance exam or Gate?

    We are not talking about a document authentication process of Mobile SIM connection customers only, we are talking about a centralized authentication system.

    So once you get your documents and yourself being authenticated the core result remains in cloud and for access for all purposes. So it is a one time authentication that remains till you do not change your address etc.
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberDec 4, 2014

    Manish Goyal
    #-Link-Snipped-# nice idea sir, not sure if this is the right place to put comment, but you have just mentioned way to authenticate person photograph but what about content? I mean i can upload Fake document paper no?
    Firstly "Sir" is really not essential 😀

    "What about the content?"
    A very valid point.

    Now look at the design closely. The system first detects the text part and recognizes the text part using OCR technique. Then it takes the help of your GPS system to match the address. So if you give your home address as say ABC, and you trigger the authentication from home, you GPS must return the latitude and longitude of location ABC. Using Google's reverse Geo Location ( i.e. Location to Civic Address we can map latitude and longitude to address). Now civic address obtained by GPS query and ABC detected by the OCR is matched. Watch the video for text extraction demo.

    I would be free to discuss other issues if you have one.
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