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  • desijays

    MemberFeb 17, 2007

    heya mate, no offense. But ur post was too generic. There are many aspects to consider for such a topic... Can you be a bit more specific..

    Besides, that way you might elicit a better response from the others in the forum 😀
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  • crook

    MemberFeb 17, 2007

    Hi All ,

    Today I must welcome you all for a detailed discussion on energy security for our country INDIA. Post your veiws as earliest.


    This would be an interesting discussion provided each one of us the scope and limitations of thid discussion. What do you mean by Energy Security anyway? Is it about preventing energy losses or better ways of utilizing energy?
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  • vibhor_one

    MemberFeb 18, 2007

    This would be an interesting discussion provided each one of us the scope and limitations of thid discussion. What do you mean by Energy Security anyway? Is it about preventing energy losses or better ways of utilizing energy?
    Hi Crooks,

    It is about upcoming new power plants which are coming in India, as per Indo-American deal and more incoming privatizing of electrical supply of India due to shortage. I want to know more about the topic and your veiws.


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  • vibhor_one

    MemberFeb 18, 2007

    heya mate, no offense. But ur post was too generic. There are many aspects to consider for such a topic... Can you be a bit more specific..

    Besides, that way you might elicit a better response from the others in the forum 😀
    Hi desijays,

    It is good to see your interest on my posts, but mainly I want to know more energy sourcing that our government is providing for the shortage of electricity supply. Are we secured amongest all the developing nations of world just like China, and others.


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  • desijays

    MemberFeb 19, 2007

    Hi desijays,

    It is good to see your interest on my posts, but mainly I want to know more energy sourcing that our government is providing for the shortage of electricity supply. Are we secured amongest all the developing nations of world just like China, and others.


    Since its a two-part question, i'll answer it one by one.

    first, as you've mentioned there is a shortage of electrical power in the country. its true mate. Thats why in some villages they have time quotas. That is they have electricity only during particular times of the day.......... or night as it may seem.

    As of now, it looks like, or atleast I heard that India is trying to procure a deal with the iranian government for a gas pipeline to india through pakistan. Consequently the expense involved is astronomical. Since the United states and Iran are on a row with each other, the former has some apprehension that the latter might use all that money for nuclear proliferation and as a result is against india signing the deal with iran for the gas pipeline.

    Gosh, the United states needs to start digging its own nose.!!!!

    Secondly, the truth is that even china's burgeoning economy disposes huge power plants like cigarette butts on a smoker's lips!!!. So, they are not well off in the energy sector either. But they definitely seem to be managing better than us.

    If india is the supplant herself with sufficient power, it needs a thriving energy sector in the form of hydro electric plants, civilian nuclear power plants and large expanses of wind farms.

    All that i've said so far is prior art. The following is purely my opinion.

    One other thing being........... if we could somehow convert our petrol/diesel consuming transport sector into a fuel cell or battery powered transport system then we can be less dependent on other countries. Hell, the whole world will follow suit. I could be wrong here guys. its 3 in the morning and my left eye lid is just a slit wide. I hope you understand !!. 😉
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  • crook

    MemberFeb 21, 2007

    Really interesting discussion going on! Keep the spirit high guys! [​IMG] The problem is not only limited to India. Think about how can we tap the other sources of energy.

    I strongly believe that the proper use of solar energy can solve half of our energy related problems. I have seen solar operated water heaters mounted on many houses. What a good move. Definitely better than having electric water geyasers. How about designing a cheap solar water heater? I have no idea how much does the setup cost as of now.

    The point which needs to be discussed is how can we find better ways of trapping the solar & wind energy? Can a wind mill power my house for 2 hours everyday? Can a solar heater give me uninterrupted hot water supply everyday?

    I guess the time has come we all must solve the problem. Good initiative CEans! We will definitely find out a solution!
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberFeb 22, 2007

    Let me add a point:

    Basically India needs to firmly row its feet down as far as renewable energy goes. Renewable energy is energy derived from resources that are regenerative or for all practical purposes can not be depleted. Renewable energy sources contribute approximately 29.3% of human energy use worldwide. However in India, where there is no shortage of renewable sources, hardly 5% of the generated energy comes from renewables. There are following ways in which you may generate renewable energy:

    • Biofuels
    • Biomass
    • Hydro power
    • Geothermal power
    • Solar power
    • Tidal power
    • Wave power
    • Wind power
    Not only they give clean and efficient fuel, they do not pose any direct health hazard. Having said that, there are issues which have led to ample criticism and debate over use of renewable energy. The primary thing si that the investment required is hugh. Moreover there is a problem with the reliability and longevity of the sources. Of course, not to ignore the input to output ration.

    This may give this discussion a new turn.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 23, 2007

    Well going CEans! Moving the thread to Articles|Ideas|Knowledge Sharing Section from chit-chat section.

    Keep the ideas coming in!

    -The Big K-
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  • vibhor_one

    MemberFeb 23, 2007

    Let me add a point:

    Basically India needs to firmly row its feet down as far as renewable energy goes. Renewable energy is energy derived from resources that are regenerative or for all practical purposes can not be depleted. Renewable energy sources contribute approximately 29.3% of human energy use worldwide. However in India, where there is no shortage of renewable sources, hardly 5% of the generated energy comes from renewables. There are following ways in which you may generate renewable energy:
    • Biofuels
    • Biomass
    • Hydro power
    • Geothermal power
    • Solar power
    • Tidal power
    • Wave power
    • Wind power
    Not only they give clean and efficient fuel, they do not pose any direct health hazard. Having said that, there are issues which have led to ample criticism and debate over use of renewable energy. The primary thing si that the investment required is hugh. Moreover there is a problem with the reliability and longevity of the sources. Of course, not to ignore the input to output ration.

    This may give this discussion a new turn.

    Hi Muyurpathak,

    I totally agree with your point of veiw but as you know India is in the race of developing countries not developed country so there we are technologically lack far behind other so we are not in a state to develop independently turbine or energy convertor & outsourcing breaks our financial budgets. Hope you understand me & throw some light on the topic.


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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberFeb 28, 2007

    I agree that being a developing country, we may not have the budget to cough up millions of dollars in research & development in the space of Renewable energy. However, at the same time, you may also note that Suzlon, which is an Indian Wind turbine manufacturer, is the second largest in the world.

    I do understand but not fully agree upon that we are competing with the developing nations and not with the likes of UK or USA. Basically we are not competing with any one of these. We are looking to achieve self sufficiency in the energy sector, and because we can not generate energy from alternative resources, we have to face large power cuts.

    I think it would be a great idea to come up with innovative suggestions on how to save more energy. Once we start saving, we may later explore avenues to generate alternative sources.

    Suggestion 1: Lets all pleadge that we will use heavy consuming systems like geyser, washing machines et. all in the non peak hours (before 9am morning and after 6 pm evening)

    CEans, tell me more.
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  • vibhor_one

    MemberMar 1, 2007

    I agree that being a developing country, we may not have the budget to cough up millions of dollars in research & development in the space of Renewable energy. However, at the same time, you may also note that Suzlon, which is an Indian Wind turbine manufacturer, is the second largest in the world.

    I do understand but not fully agree upon that we are competing with the developing nations and not with the likes of UK or USA. Basically we are not competing with any one of these. We are looking to achieve self sufficiency in the energy sector, and because we can not generate energy from alternative resources, we have to face large power cuts.

    I think it would be a great idea to come up with innovative suggestions on how to save more energy. Once we start saving, we may later explore avenues to generate alternative sources.

    Suggestion 1: Lets all pleadge that we will use heavy consuming systems like geyser, washing machines et. all in the non peak hours (before 9am morning and after 6 pm evening)

    CEans, tell me more.
    Hi mayurpathak,

    It is good to note that energy save is energy we earn but saving does not mean you are supposed to use the electricity in the hour of our need we must fertilize more of what we are supposed to generate to get the maximum benefit from our machines. I must say that we can come together for more ennovative idea to increase our capacity for production which can be adequate to all.


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  • Don Ross

    MemberJan 13, 2015

    So 8 yrs later were does all this stand? Did India make any headway? Talk is cheap. Throw out the contributions you students and grads have given your mother country. Or did you fall for the dollar in the pocket, fine women and wine.
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