  • Everyone has love and hate relationship with Whatsapp, so do I. I love how WhatsApp helps connect to your relatives and totally hate how it fucks up your brain too 'cuz there's always one person who texts you that "You read my message but didn't replied & blah blah", right ?

    Sometimes you just don't go online just because if you go online, the bombarding will initiate & you simply don't have time to text reply them all, because all you want to do is check the goddamn mail & get back to work, right ?
    Well, there are features included to 'Hide Last Seen' but that doesn't saves you from double tick (Blue & Black).

    I finally found simple way to avoid double ticks (both monochrome & blue), I don't know whether everyone in here knows or not. Since there is no post regarding this in CE, I would like to share this small mindfuck saving tips.

    Tools you need :
    - Android device (Rooted) [Might work in non-rooted device too, however that is not tested]
    - WhatsApp version 2.11.481
    - Exposed Module

    1) Visit WhatsApp official website & download .apk [#-Link-Snipped-#
    2) Now Install it.
    3) Open WhatsApp & then open Privacy tab, Uncheck 'Read Receipts'.
    4) Now Blue ticks are gone.

    Even though blue ticks are gone, double ticks still exist!! People are smart now, they know you have unchecked 'Read Receipt', so let's go one step further.

    For Rooted Device : [Tested]
    1) Download Xposed Installer for #-Link-Snipped-#
    2) Install it & open it.
    3) Now open first option of App i.e 'Framework'


    4) Click on Install/Update
    5) Reboot the device.
    6) Open Xposed Installer App again
    7) Go to 'Dowload' & search for 'Greenify' & download it.
    8) After download is over, the popup of activate & reboot will appear.
    9) Go to 'Modules' in Xposed installer & tick on Greenify.


    10) Reboot the device.
    11) Now you can see 'Greenify App' in App Drawer.


    12) Open it & allow root permission which will pop.
    13) Click on '+' button on top & add 'WhatsApp' & click on 'zzz' button on right bottom (i.e Hibernate button)


    Now once WhatsApp is hibernated, even though you're online you won't receive any message, so no monochrome double-ticks.

    For Un-rooted device : [Untested]
    1) Download 'Greenify' App from PlayStore.
    2) Follow steps from 11 to 13 of 'Rooted device section'

    I am not sure Greenify works properly with non-rooted device. Still you can try it out & give feedback here.

    IMP NOTE : Once you start WhatsApp, it will come out of hibernation (Obvious!). So, if you want to go back to DND mode, just open Greenify again & click on Hibernate button.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 24, 2014

    Thanks for sharing the information. I'm surprised that a lot of people actually have been searching for this information! Hope people will find it useful 😀
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  • Sourabh N

    MemberDec 24, 2014

    and for iOS???
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJan 1, 2015

    Found one more simpler method :

    - Download 'Native Freezer' Xposed module (#-Link-Snipped-#) & activate it in Xposed Installer.

    - Now you can disable any app. You can disable app without using this module, but only 'system-apps'. This xposed module helps to disable ALL APPS.

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