Member • Jul 1, 2007
Dimentional Pattern
The topic of discussion with this post is "The Dimentional Pattern". With this post i have tried to create a pattern with the Dimentions. I mean to say, when we jump from 1 dimention to another and from another to yet another dimention, what is the actual pattern which follows.
This is interesting yet confusing topic . Ya true, confusing but simple . Ok here is the analysis part. I'll try to keep it simple, as i myself am not a physist.
Lets take an ant as a 1-Dimentional creature walking on a news paper, a 2-Dimentional structure. Now lets say the ant starts its journey from one end to another end of the newspaper and finishes the journey in 15 minutes. Wow, now thats a lot of sweating for our miss ant . So in a 2 dimentional world, its 15 Minutes for our miss ant to traverse a newspaper 😔.
Now take the destination end of newspaper and fold it to the starting end, from where our miss ant started her journey. Now it just take a step, a smallest step of the millinium, and our ant traverses the whole newspaper. So in a 3-Dimentional world, it took her a second comapered to 900 seconds in a 2-Dimentional world 😛. Yes, the folded newspaper is a 3-Dimentional structure.
Now think of man as an ant. A 3-dimentional ant. TIME as most of us know is the Fourth Dimention. So when a child is born, it takes on an average 20-25 years for him/her to become an adult. Now if we some how are able to bend and fold this time, the probably the child would traverse 20-25 years in a step. Woa, Time Travel. Ya this is what we call Time Travel. The vice versa is also true, the man can reach his childhood in the same way 😉. This new dimention is 5th-Dimention.
So let me see what's the pattern being followed. If a Nth-Dimentional object travels in a (N+1)th Dimentional space, and this space is folded so that the beginning and the end poitions coincides, the object reaches (N+2)th Dimention.
Although the human mind comprehends the universe with three spatial dimensions, some theories in physics, including string theory, include the idea that there are additional spatial dimensions. Such theories suggest that there may be a specific number of spatial dimensions such as 10.
I hope i have not confused my audience here 😉.
Thanks and regards,
Ravi .