  • rpkash

    MemberJul 1, 2007

    Dimentional Pattern

    Hi CEans,
    The topic of discussion with this post is "The Dimentional Pattern". With this post i have tried to create a pattern with the Dimentions. I mean to say, when we jump from 1 dimention to another and from another to yet another dimention, what is the actual pattern which follows.

    This is interesting yet confusing topic . Ya true, confusing but simple . Ok here is the analysis part. I'll try to keep it simple, as i myself am not a physist.

    Lets take an ant as a 1-Dimentional creature walking on a news paper, a 2-Dimentional structure. Now lets say the ant starts its journey from one end to another end of the newspaper and finishes the journey in 15 minutes. Wow, now thats a lot of sweating for our miss ant . So in a 2 dimentional world, its 15 Minutes for our miss ant to traverse a newspaper 😔.

    Now take the destination end of newspaper and fold it to the starting end, from where our miss ant started her journey. Now it just take a step, a smallest step of the millinium, and our ant traverses the whole newspaper. So in a 3-Dimentional world, it took her a second comapered to 900 seconds in a 2-Dimentional world 😛. Yes, the folded newspaper is a 3-Dimentional structure.

    Now think of man as an ant. A 3-dimentional ant. TIME as most of us know is the Fourth Dimention. So when a child is born, it takes on an average 20-25 years for him/her to become an adult. Now if we some how are able to bend and fold this time, the probably the child would traverse 20-25 years in a step. Woa, Time Travel. Ya this is what we call Time Travel. The vice versa is also true, the man can reach his childhood in the same way 😉. This new dimention is 5th-Dimention.

    So let me see what's the pattern being followed. If a Nth-Dimentional object travels in a (N+1)th Dimentional space, and this space is folded so that the beginning and the end poitions coincides, the object reaches (N+2)th Dimention.

    Although the human mind comprehends the universe with three spatial dimensions, some theories in physics, including string theory, include the idea that there are additional spatial dimensions. Such theories suggest that there may be a specific number of spatial dimensions such as 10.

    I hope i have not confused my audience here 😉.

    Thanks and regards,
    Ravi .
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 1, 2007

    I hope i have not confused my audience here :wink:
    Unfortunately 😁 , you have one (to start with) .

    I see a new idea being presented. Can you elaborate a bit more on -
    Now think of man as an ant. A 3-dimentional ant. TIME as most of us know is the Fourth Dimention. So when a child is born, it takes on an average 20-25 years for him/her to become an adult. Now if we some how are able to bend and fold this time, the probably the child would traverse 20-25 years in a step. Woa, Time Travel. Ya this is what we call Time Travel. The vice versa is also true, the man can reach his childhood in the same way :wink:. This new dimention is 5th-Dimention.
    Great going CEans 😀

    -The Big K-
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  • crook

    MemberJul 1, 2007

    Unfortunately 😁 , you have one (to start with) .

    I see a new idea being presented. Can you elaborate a bit more on -
    Great going CEans 😀

    -The Big K-
    Count me in too. 😁

    Somewhere on the internet, people talked about the 10th dimension 😒
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  • rpkash

    MemberJul 1, 2007

    Unfortunately 😁 , you have one (to start with) .

    I see a new idea being presented. Can you elaborate a bit more on -
    Great going CEans 😀

    -The Big K-
    Hi CEans,
    Thanks for the prompt responce 😎. Ok, here it is. Lets see the whole lifetime of an Individual as a large sheet of newspaper, a 2-dimentional space analogous to the 4-Dimention (TIME).
    The individual is born at one end of the sheet and travels at his pace in time to become a doctor over a period of 25 Years. Now sudddenly he feels he should not have been a 25 year doctor but a 25 year old engineer. But to become an engineer he would have to study more and he would cross 25 years.
    But this could be achieved, if we bend curl the TIME (our life span sheet of the Individual) to the position in past where he makes the decision to become a doctor. This way, the Individual, directly takes a transfer to that event and makes a decision to become an Engineer 😀.
    Thus travelling time in a matter of seconds and changing his/her past.
    This phenomenon is also called a "WORMHOLE". In physics, a wormhole is a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that is essentially a 'shortcut' through space and time. A wormhole has at least two mouths which are connected to a single throat. If the wormhole is traversable, matter can 'travel' from one mouth to the other by passing through the throat. While there is no observational evidence for wormholes, spacetimes containing wormholes are known to be valid solutions in general relativity.

    Thanks and regards,
    Ravi .
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  • vikki2point9

    MemberJul 7, 2007

    wow.. amaZing stuff rpkash.. i have seen a program on multidimensions on discovery channel.. is it practically possible??
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  • rpkash

    MemberJul 8, 2007

    wow.. amaZing stuff rpkash.. i have seen a program on multidimensions on discovery channel.. is it practically possible??
    Hi Vikki,
    Well we have 3 Dimentions in front of i feel its possible. If only i would have taken my science classes so sincerely, i could have been a part of team who might make this possible 😀. Though, am trying my hands on science now. Better late than never.
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberJul 11, 2007

    I personally believe thats not possible 😀

    See, time is a dimension which we can in no way control, The 2nd or 3rd law of thermodynamics, I think rpkash will know is, the entropy of the universe always increases! That is heat is always released, a cold coffee can never get hot. How is this related?

    Well, thats how time is, if you did 'move' the 4th dimension (time) then you would be disturbing the 3rd dimension space in the past. Which is clearly not possible. It might lead to the Chaos theory, you know the butterfly effect!

    Please rpkash, I think you know what I am talking, if not look it up and explain, Im getting wrinkles in my brain!
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  • rpkash

    MemberJul 11, 2007

    I personally believe thats not possible 😀

    See, time is a dimension which we can in no way control, The 2nd or 3rd law of thermodynamics, I think rpkash will know is, the entropy of the universe always increases! That is heat is always released, a cold coffee can never get hot. How is this related?

    Well, thats how time is, if you did 'move' the 4th dimension (time) then you would be disturbing the 3rd dimension space in the past. Which is clearly not possible. It might lead to the Chaos theory, you know the butterfly effect!

    Please rpkash, I think you know what I am talking, if not look it up and explain, Im getting wrinkles in my brain!
    Hi XheavenlyX,

    A centuary back, people thought that Flying is impossible, reaching moon is impossible, talkig with each other from the two side of the globe is impossible. But trust me, Science made it all possible. Conceptually scientists have told time has a better chance of being called the 4th Dimention, but then we can overrule the possibility of other dimentions.

    We are just 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001% or even less part of the universe but almost the 99.999999999999999999999999999999% of the universe is known to us. So only when we know atleast 50% of the whole universe only then we can say what possible and whats impossible.

    But then bending time might sound impossible to you but scientists have proved through equation that if an object can somehow attain the speed of light, rather more than that, then we can travel past, which is just like bending the time 😀. Believe me someday, the cold coffee would turn hot 😉.

    Friend, just believe, that would do wonders and answer millions of unanswered questions 😀.
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  • rpkash

    MemberJul 11, 2007

    I personally believe thats not possible 😀

    See, time is a dimension which we can in no way control, The 2nd or 3rd law of thermodynamics, I think rpkash will know is, the entropy of the universe always increases! That is heat is always released, a cold coffee can never get hot. How is this related?

    Well, thats how time is, if you did 'move' the 4th dimension (time) then you would be disturbing the 3rd dimension space in the past. Which is clearly not possible. It might lead to the Chaos theory, you know the butterfly effect!

    Please rpkash, I think you know what I am talking, if not look it up and explain, Im getting wrinkles in my brain!
    Hi XheavenlyX,

    A centuary back, people thought that Flying is impossible, reaching moon is impossible, talkig with each other from the two side of the globe is impossible. But trust me, Science made it all possible. Conceptually scientists have told time has a better chance of being called the 4th Dimention, but then we can overrule the possibility of other dimentions.

    We are just 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001% or even less part of the universe but almost the 99.999999999999999999999999999999% of the universe is known to us. So only when we know atleast 50% of the whole universe only then we can say what possible and whats impossible.

    But then bending time might sound impossible to you but scientists have proved through equation that if an object can somehow attain the speed of light, rather more than that, then we can travel past, which is just like bending the time 😀. Believe me someday, the cold coffee would turn hot 😉.

    Friend, just believe, that would do wonders and answer millions of unanswered questions 😀.
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  • rpkash

    MemberJul 11, 2007

    I personally believe thats not possible 😀

    See, time is a dimension which we can in no way control, The 2nd or 3rd law of thermodynamics, I think rpkash will know is, the entropy of the universe always increases! That is heat is always released, a cold coffee can never get hot. How is this related?

    Well, thats how time is, if you did 'move' the 4th dimension (time) then you would be disturbing the 3rd dimension space in the past. Which is clearly not possible. It might lead to the Chaos theory, you know the butterfly effect!

    Please rpkash, I think you know what I am talking, if not look it up and explain, Im getting wrinkles in my brain!
    Hi XheavenlyX,

    About entropy theory, well who m i to challenge such concepts. But i can solve that reheating of coffee thing. Put your coffee near an active volcano area, and see the cold coffee boiling and sooner vanishing without anyone drinking it 😉. So heat travels from one body to another, so this coffee problem depends on the surrounding where it is kept. In Space, it would keep its temperature intact 😀. Whatever jokes apart, you are right about the entropy and chaos theroy, but then whatever theory we have, it true for our world and its proved in just our realms of known area.

    There are millions and trillions of unexplored universe where prolly these theories might b just a piece of junk. Thats y when we stop thinking, the science wud die 😀.

    Think and belief, and we can enter a new world 😀.

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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberJul 13, 2007

    Believe me someday, the cold coffee would turn hot :wink:.
    That line actually is kinda nice. 😀 I wish that can happen. I do believe a lot is going to happen some time or another, even as far as paranormal abilities. But thats something we cant even talk about in any manner since we cannot see the paranormal.

    anyway, yea the coffee near vollcano is fine, I wasnt talking about that. If you notice, the volcano is releasing heat and the environment is getting hotter too! I was saying if a sitting coffee can get hot while cooling the surrounding, the opposte of thermodinemic laws. (Normal is hot coffee getting cold and the surrounding getting hot) I think you can understand what I am saying, in Thermodynamics thats a normal real world system, heat flow is towards the universe. Stephen Hawking in his book (Brief History of Time) calls this the 'arrow of time'.

    Now about time travel, I believe in one thing, and I know i may be wrong, that it MIGHT BE possible to SEE the past, dont know how, but yea it might.

    BUT even Einstine did not actually explain it , nor did Stephen Hawking! They just said if u go at the speed of light (nearing) then time will slow down, and AT the speed of light, the mass goes to inf, or something like that. Ok that appart.

    From my understanding, if someone physically does go back, then the order of things back then are disturbed, OR it can be possible then it should have already happend. EXPLAINATION BELOW 😀

    P.S: If bending 3 dimentions is considered, yea I believe that is possible! The wormhole, teleportation. yup.
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberJul 13, 2007

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial]If this were the case(time travel), it would raise a whole host of questions and problems. One of these is, if sometime in the future, we learn to travel in time, why hasn't someone come back from the future, to tell us how to do it. [/FONT]
    Ok and here is one more

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial]What would stop you blowing up the rocket on its launch pad, or otherwise preventing you from setting out in the first place. There are other versions of this paradox, like going back, and killing your parents before you were born, but they are essentially equivalent. HOWEVER There seem to be two possible resolutions.[/FONT]
    SO here are the two solutions 😀 I really like the first one.

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial] One is what I shall call, the consistent histories approach. It says that one has to find a consistent solution of the equations of physics, even if space-time is so warped, that it is possible to travel into the past. On this view, you couldn't set out on the rocket ship to travel into the past, unless you had already come back, and failed to blow up the launch pad. It is a consistent picture, but it would imply that we were completely determined: we couldn't change our minds. So much for free will. The other possibility is what I call, the alternative histories approach. It has been championed by the physicist David Deutsch, and it seems to have been what Stephen Spielberg had in mind when he filmed, Back to the Future. [/FONT]
    The first one says if you really do make a machine or sometihng, then their must have been a YOU already in the present who had come back from 2087 or something.

    The second one is wierd, but also might be possible.

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial][​IMG][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial]In this view, in one alternative history, there would not have been any return from the future, before the rocket set off, and so no possibility of it being blown up. But when the traveler returns from the future, he enters another alternative history. In this, the human race makes a tremendous effort to build a space ship, but just before it is due to be launched, a similar space ship appears from the other side of the galaxy, and destroys it.
    David Deutsch claims support for the alternative histories approach, from the sum over histories concept, introduced by the physicist, Richard Feinman, who died a few years ago. The idea is that according to Quantum Theory, the universe doesn't have just a unique single history.
    And now for a part that will be hopeful to you rpkash 😀 BEWARE its kinda long!

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial] It thus seems that we are stuck with the consistent histories picture. However, this need not involve problems with determinism or free will, if the probabilities are very small, for histories in which space-time is so warped, that time travel is possible over a macroscopic region. This is what I call, the Chronology Protection Conjecture: the laws of physics conspire to prevent time travel, on a macroscopic scale.

    It seems that what happens, is that when space-time gets warped almost enough to allow travel into the past, virtual particles can almost become real particles, following closed trajectories. The density of the virtual particles, and their energy, become very large. This means that the probability of these histories is very low. Thus it seems there may be a Chronology Protection Agency at work, making the world safe for historians. But this subject of space and time warps is still in its infancy. According to string theory, which is our best hope of uniting General Relativity and Quantum Theory, into a Theory of Everything, space-time ought to have ten dimensions, not just the four that we experience. The idea is that six of these ten dimensions are curled up into a space so small, that we don't notice them. On the other hand, the remaining four directions are fairly flat, and are what we call space-time. If this picture is correct, it might be possible to arrange that the four flat directions got mixed up with the six highly curved or warped directions. What this would give rise to, we don't yet know. But it opens exciting possibilities.

    The conclusion of this lecture is that rapid space-travel, or travel back in time, can't be ruled out, according to our present understanding. They would cause great logical problems, so let's hope there's a Chronology Protection Law, to prevent people going back, and killing our parents. But science fiction fans need not lose heart. There's hope in string theory.
    TAKEN FROM : #-Link-Snipped-#

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Stephen Hawking</a> HAS A lot of awesome lectures and explainations. Actually I like the stuff, however, I have something against the way mathematics works here, loooong topic so leave it for later.
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberJul 13, 2007

    Oh yea I came accross this, interesting piece of information. In 1905 Einstine had written a revolutionary paper describing the space time with respect to 2 viewers and their relative motion.

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial] So all we need for time travel, is a space ship that will go faster than light. Unfortunately, in the same paper, Einstein showed that the rocket power needed to accelerate a space ship, got greater and greater, the nearer it got to the speed of light. So it would take an infinite amount of power, to accelerate past the speed of light.

    Einstein's paper of 1905 seemed to rule out time travel into the past.
    But then it gets interesting.... so read it yourself or whoever is interested, TOO much information to post here 😁 😁 😁

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  • rpkash

    MemberJul 22, 2007

    Hey xheavenlyx,
    Are you some kinda PHD in this subject????....That was awesome reply 😀. Well if you have more of such knowledge to share then please do post them ASAP 😁.
    Thanks and Regards,
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberJul 22, 2007

    No no, dude, I aint a Ph.D but very interested in these subject. Basically I want to see mankind travel to another inhabited planet like ours! That is what drives me to read about this stuff.

    And yea the link that I gave in the post is pretty good, it explains very well. Its very difficult to find easy readable material on this subject so for now I just have these links.


    or for more lectures : #-Link-Snipped-#

    If you reallly want to go crazy over this then visit #-Link-Snipped-# . There you will find professors and docs and physics enthusiasts etc. Lot of stuff to go through, from bio to electronics to mathematics too.
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