Member • Oct 14, 2008
Difference between integration testing and system testing?
One query I got in my mailbox is related to the field of Software QA and the query is :
What is the exact difference between Integration Testing & System Testing?Can someone explain along with examples?
Update: I found some answers. I think I'll explain it with a non-software example. Suppose you are testing a car as it gets built. So you will have to do both system and integration testing. First as the car gets built one by one, various parts of the car will be assembled. Say, the wheels will be attached to the body of the car and engine will be fitted somewhere on the chasis - and you'll have to make sure that these parts fit well together. So you will test tem as soon as the different parts are integrated - that would be similar to 'Integration' testing.
Now the car (our final system) is built and it should be tested for say mileage, performance, comfort, noise etc. So you will have to perform an entirely different set of tests - which would be called as 'system' testing.
In order to summarise, integration testing is done at the smaller scale within the system; while the system testing is about checking the system functionality as desired in the product specifications document.