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  • pikachu1994

    MemberAug 27, 2012

    Resistance is the property that directly hinders current from flowing.

    Inductance is like "electrical inertia", it hinders current from varying as a function of time, but doesn't do anything to a steady flow of current.

    Capacitance is like an "electrical tank", it stores charges on opposite sides of the component with capacitance, and when charge is stored, it produces voltage drop.
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    MemberAug 30, 2012

    resistor will resist(stop) the flow of current and diode(ex:switch) allow the electricity to flow in any,diode is exactly opposite to the resistor.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberAug 30, 2012

    Resistor don't stop flow of current, it resists .. (both are totally different terms).
    Hence resistor is used to drop the voltage (or as voltage regulator ? maybe 😒)

    If Resistor stops the current, what's difference between Insulators & Resistors ?
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    MemberAug 30, 2012

    small mistake you are correct
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  • satty lavanya

    MemberAug 31, 2012

    Resistance is the property that directly hinders current from flowing.

    Inductance is like "electrical inertia", it hinders current from varying as a function of time, but doesn't do anything to a steady flow of current.

    Capacitance is like an "electrical tank", it stores charges on opposite sides of the component with capacitance, and when charge is stored, it produces voltage drop.
    thanku so much
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  • [Prototype]

    MemberAug 31, 2012

    resistor will resist(stop) the flow of current and diode(ex:switch) allow the electricity to flow in any,diode is exactly opposite to the resistor.
    Diode (also referred as P-N junction diode) doesn't allow flow in both direction. It just allows current in forward direction. If you apply large reverse voltage to a normal diode it'll catch fire soon after starting the conduction.
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  • satty lavanya

    MemberAug 31, 2012

    what w
    Diode (also referred as P-N junction diode) doesn't allow flow in both direction. It just allows current in forward direction. If you apply large reverse voltage to a normal diode it'll catch fire soon after starting the conduction.
    why it will happen in reverse bias condition?
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  • [Prototype]

    MemberAug 31, 2012

    satty lavanya
    what w

    why it will happen in reverse bias condition?
    When you apply reverse bias to a diode, the charge carriers will be attracted towards the battery terminals instead of getting repelled. This will cause an increase in depletion region. Under smaller applied reverse voltage, the diode will simple won't conduct because electrons will be unable to move from higher potential to lower potential.

    However, if you just increase the reverse bias voltage to higher values, the locked ions (immobile charge carriers) in the depletion region will gain enough energy to break out from the bond and starts conduction. This process produces lots of heat & a simple P-N junction diode is not capable of dissipating this much amount of heat. Hence, it'll just keep getting hotter & hotter until its burnt out.
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  • pikachu1994

    MemberAug 31, 2012

    satty lavanya
    thanku so much
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  • dayamayee

    MemberSep 3, 2012

    satty lavanya
    hiii friends.......i want the.clear idea.and.differences between the capacitance,inductance,reluctance. and also the difference between the resistor and diode... and.what will happen if we replace the diode with resistor
    resistor is a passive component which allows flow of current bidirectionally..while diode is unidirectnl which conducts in forward biased acts a switch..
    we cannot connect power supply to active component directly because it will damage the we use resistors mostly
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  • Priyavrat

    MemberSep 11, 2015

    please tell me relation between reluctance and reactance
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  • alok raj

    MemberSep 16, 2015

    Inductance is simply the property of an electric conductor or circuit that causes an electromotive force to be generated by a change in the current flowing.

    again, about Capacitance it is the ratio of the change in an electric charge in a system to the corresponding change in its electric potential.
    Capacitance is ability of a body to store an electrical charge. Any object that can be electrically charged exhibits capacitance.

    Reluctance is the property of a magnetic circuit of opposing the passage of magnetic flux lines.
    Magnetic reluctance is a concept used in the analysis of magnetic circuits. It is analogous to resistance in an electrical circuit.

    about resistor we all know, n DIODE is a unidirectional device. though which current flow is possible in single direction.
    With a resistor the voltage drop will vary with the current (V=IxR),
    with the diodes the voltage drop will remain (almost) the same within the specs of the used diode.
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  • G Dileep Swamy

    MemberSep 17, 2015

    resistor which oposess the flow of electrons called resistance.
    inductor deals with electromagnetic energy.
    and capacitance stores electrostatic energy.
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