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  • priya ts

    MemberAug 31, 2012

    can petrol and diesel engines be both two & four stroke?
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  • marut mishra

    MemberAug 31, 2012

    yes petrol&diesel bothare2&4 stroke..............
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  • mechky

    MemberSep 1, 2012

    priya ts
    what's the main difference b/w four stroke & two stroke engine?
    The main difference is that in 4-stroke engines, there is one power stroke in 2 revolutions of crankshaft whereas in 2-stroke engines there is one power stroke in every revolution of crankshaft.

    4-stroke engine comprises of following four strokes: Suction--Compression--Expansion(or Power)--Exhaust.
    2-stroke engine comprises of only Compression and Expansion stroke as Suction and Exhaust occurs simultaneously with piston movement.
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  • mechky

    MemberSep 1, 2012

    priya ts
    can petrol and diesel engines be both two & four stroke?
    Yes, 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines can run on both petrol as well as diesel.
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