  • djnachi

    MemberSep 16, 2008

    Designing a 3D game !!!

    Hello there.,

    I'm doing my final year project in 3D garphics. Probably I'd try to design a mobile game using J2ME as I dont have enough time & resources for designing a desktop game! Gotto complete it by Feb'09. Can anybody guide me for the same..??

    Dj Nachi. 😛
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  • infinus

    MemberDec 21, 2008

    openGL is your solution...
    if your host device is nokia series 60 or series 40..
    then surf forum nokia for free 3d example sample in java.
    it can be used as a engine for developing games...
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  • sumitjami

    MemberDec 31, 2008

    Adding to the above advice i would suggest u to go through the book Complete reference to J2ME a Tata Mcgraw Hill book which will help u a lot and also get the latest version of netbeans it will surely help u a lot..................
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  • prasath_amd

    MemberDec 31, 2008

    Congratulations, J2ME is a good choice for a beginner, you don't need to use any other libraries, I'd suggest u the Sun-Supplied J2ME IDE supplied with the J2ME SDK itself!!. I tried it, its very good

    check it out:-


    I highly recommend u "Killer Game Programming in Java" by Davison

    Though it uses J2SE & Java 3D, i think u may find it informative in some ways.

    PS:I don't think OpenGL or OpenGL ES is necessary for a Mobile J2ME-based Game.(Correct me if I am Wrong)
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