Member • Jul 26, 2013
Decrease in the value of money hits Auto Industry
Do you think this can affect AutoIndustries long(success) run in India?
Member • Jul 26, 2013
Member • Jul 26, 2013
Member • Jul 26, 2013
Well I meant that this is in the hands of government to make amendments to maintain ruppee value.If not proper steps were taken then We will be soon forced to change our currency to dollar like other countries.ConquerorWell Rupee value adversely affects the trade balance of our country
We have to purchase some equipment from other nations then it is going to cost us more
More cost lesser profit So prices will go high real soon
But If the Rupee manages to oscillate in a short period of time then there will not prolonged damage to any particular sector of our nation
Member • Jul 27, 2013
Well that can't be good to point fingers at the government aloneCSK AUTOWell I meant that this is in the hands of government to make amendments to maintain ruppee value.If not proper steps were taken then We will be soon forced to change our currency to dollar like other countries.