Member • Mar 16, 2008
Decode This! Hint: Opening lines of a famous book
The opening lines of a famous book have been decoded here. Use your logic and stay away from the Google. Tell me what's written below -
B dj blrtquctek tm cmjjulbcdte tm abj," rdbk Jq. Fdsseqr, taqmwbls abr nblseq dt je rbkewdyr, "tadt ae wbhh cmje bltm d adlkrmje oqmoeqty. Nuqtaeq, tadt bt br tae kerbqe mn tae oqerelt omrrerrmq mn tadt oqmoeqty, tadt ae ie bjjekbdtehy qejmvek nqmj abr oqerelt roaeqe mn hbne dlk nqmj tabr ohdce, dlk ie iqmusat uo dr d selthejdl - bl d wmqk, dr d ymuls nehhmw mn sqedt exoectdtbmlr