  • Here we start an interesting debate. The topic of this debate is -

    "Are Degrees necessary for being successful?"

    Feel free to explode your thoughts on this topic. Do let us know your real life experiences. Speak for or against.

    No Restrictions!

    -The Big K-
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberJun 9, 2006

    bring life to an interesting dead thread.

    read bigk's blog guyz.. a true eye opener.. crazy boy u will forget abt marraiges!!getting down to the point i think degrees are just a receipt of we been timely (attending??) lectures,fees been paid regularly (all the years with the development fees (which god knows where it is spent)). on the other hand success doesnot necessarily radiate from a persons purse or material cover,but from what exudes from his/her personality..(i donot say that this is to be agreed by all).one actually think that one is successful when one is confronted with gratitude not only from others but from your outerself to inner self!😁
    i will give you example;for you to realise this yourself
    Mahatma-father of nation and jinnah both baristers from london but see what image u see before your eyes when i say these names.I won't put my views here on this, for u to assess the link between degrees and success.😎
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  • Jerry

    MemberJun 9, 2006


    success doesnot necessarily radiate from a persons purse or material cover,but from what exudes from his/her personality..
    well said integratdbrains !

    It is pretty obvious that the degrees will not guarantee success. At the same time, we have professions where degrees do play a big role in ensuring success. I'm talking about the field of medicine. Its impossible to succeed in this field without having degrees. I hope everyone agrees.

    Degrees do not ensure success. But having them definately improves your chances of success. In fact there are many people who are successful without having degrees or without having formal education. Similarly we have highly educated executives who are successfull too.

    Any other thoughts are welcome.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 9, 2006

    Good work guys!

    I hoped that someone will point out the vagueness of this topic. The topic of this debate needs an analysis. Start with the definition of 'Success'. Have a look at word 'necessary'. Something clicks in the brain?

    Success comes in various flavors. Successful as a parent, successful in a TT match, successful in a cricket match, successful in an interview ..... or did we assume that we are talking about 'being successful in life' (which probably means having lot of money & fame). So you still want to debate on the topic or we need a more refined topic? 😉

    -The Big K-
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  • rick

    MemberJun 9, 2006

    thanks biggie for your quick post [​IMG] .

    The topic can be "Do degrees ensure a successful career?"

    Makes more sense..I think 😁
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 12, 2006


    easy 😉

    Let the debate continue 😀 I'm sure we got a lot to shout here. Let the comments flood in friends !

    -The Big K-
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  • aashima

    MemberJun 16, 2006


    thats quite an appreciable topic i must say....
    well to comment on it i wud say that degrees go a long way to help u achieve success... therz no denying that u can manage being successful without one but in that case.. u will need a lot of hard work... a bit of more luck and a good innovative mind... in all u must be mentally sound to be able to make money without a degree....
    while if u have one... u know the direction where u have to move... u know the things and ways to approach and u have quite a well defined goal.... u know exactly wat u want.... ur amenable to ppl.. ur confident enuff and then u are successful...
    so in a clear cut sentence.... "to have degree is a beter option and safe side tooo"
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  • rick

    MemberJun 16, 2006

    while if u have one... u know the direction where u have to move... u know the things and ways to approach and u have quite a well defined goal.... u know exactly wat u want.... ur amenable to ppl.. ur confident enuff and then u are successful...
    so in a clear cut sentence.... "to have degree is a beter option and safe side tooo"
    I disagree! degrees have no connection with the goals.
    ur amenable to ppl.. ur confident enuff and then u are successful...
    what makes you think so? I do not see how degrees give you confidence. What confidence is being talked about here?

    Degrees and probably too much of technical education hampers the creativity. That explains why all the people who rule the world with their big business , people who are famous and wealthy do not have degrees. most of them dropped out of college and never let their common sense guide their ship.

    Degrees are obstacles to a great success!
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  • aashima

    MemberJun 17, 2006

    i contradict...

    well thats true that most successful ppl today dont have a degree for themselves that does not support the idea that they are not even required.... considering a handful of ppl cannot prove the idea... india's more than 35% of the poppulation is illiterate today... they dont have any degree... i dont see even one reason where they stand ahead of those who own a degree... all of them arent going to grow up to be a second bill gates or dhiru bhai ambani.... if it were the case... then india wud perhaps be the most successful country in the world...

    and wen its quoted that " degrees are obstacles"... i disagree.. may i know one simple reason how they serve as an obstacle??
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberJun 17, 2006

    i agree with rick but boy u can't make the statement "degrees are obstacle to success!! " and aashmina ur thoughts on illiterate poeple were a bit.. our very know farmer in most of the cases is illiterate but remember his worth!i think degrees have nothin to with the ultimate goal to be achieved in life... but it can be a buffer for making things a bit easy.rick has given egs of great people been drop outs from big universities..People with the right attitude go places,having a degree or not is immaterial.😀
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  • aashima

    MemberJun 22, 2006

    i agree with rick but boy u can't make the statement "degrees are obstacle to success!! " and aashmina ur thoughts on illiterate poeple were a bit.. our very know farmer in most of the cases is illiterate but remember his worth!i think degrees have nothin to with the ultimate goal to be achieved in life... but it can be a buffer for making things a bit easy.rick has given egs of great people been drop outs from big universities..People with the right attitude go places,having a degree or not is immaterial.😀

    well farmers are the asset of india...the biggest asset... therz no denying... but wat do they get after working soooo hard????? i suppose farming is an aweful job... i takes the hell outta you to grow up the grains... but wat after that??? how many farmers are living a life of comforts??? hardly 5% and that too just an avg life... a lil above than the poor ones!!!
    and no doubt ppl with rite attitude can rock the world but how many around have that attitude??? considering the majority.... i suppose degree is indispensable....
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJun 22, 2006

    Hey All,

    I strongly beleive that degrees are must. To prove this u will not give any comment ....or proof will just say will feel this by experience..
    you will see that if you will compare a PG and UG no doubt PG will get promotion sooner...means he will get benefit of degree.....
    don't wanna say any more on this..

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  • aashima

    MemberJun 22, 2006


    Hey All,

    I strongly beleive that degrees are must. To prove this u will not give any comment ....or proof will just say will feel this by experience..
    you will see that if you will compare a PG and UG no doubt PG will get promotion sooner...means he will get benefit of degree.....
    don't wanna say any more on this..

    truely true!!! 😉)
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberJun 23, 2006


    and u will not deny the fact that 98% of the youth are dreaming and aiming to get a job in companies started by these drop outs and thats because they felt only a promotion can be the sole motivator for them.. i mean struggling and keep on struggling for promotions with the degrees thats it.. !this ain't life boss.. for me atleast!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 5, 2006

    I read this in one of Rich Dad's books : "A grade students work for B grade students".

    True or False? What do you say?

    & what are our learnings from this debate?

    -The Big K-
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJul 5, 2006

    I read this in one of Rich Dad's books : "A grade students work for B grade students".

    True or False? What do you say?

    & what are our learnings from this debate?

    -The Big K-
    Sorry to use some an adage in hindi...(in Chanakya's book...Modern Chanakya...I guess)
    "Na padhte to 100 tarah se kama kar khate..."

    That doesn't mean that we wont go for the hogher studies...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 6, 2006

    my $0.02

    Let me translate it into English for those who do not understand 'Hindi' -

    "Na padhte to 100 tarah se kama kar khate..."

    It translates to -

    "If we were not educated (in school & colleges), we'd have found 100 ways to earn money"
    Now, in my opinion, above is not linked with whether you should go for higher education or not. Higher education does help. Take it this way - You go to school / colleges to learn. But what you learn is of no use unless you use it somewhere.

    The purpose of education is to evolve our minds & to make you 'think'. The current system ( I guess this is true all over the world ) does not really make you think. Its more of 'memory test'. You memorize 10 different forumlae, chemical equations, theorems & reproduce them in the answer paper.

    Have we really understood how Pythagoras theorem helps us understand complex problems? Have we ever realized how pullys reduce our effort? Did we ever think why your mom put so much oil in your favorite pickle? Its all about how you use your classroom learnings in real life.

    In the end, higher education may make your entry into the job market easy. But your success will depend on how you apply your learnings in your work. Makes sense, what say? 😉

    -The Big K-
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  • pradypop

    MemberJul 6, 2006

    There are some common traits among sucessful people and I have met a few people who can be considered as sucessful.

    1. They are big dreamers. More importantly the believe in their dreams.
    2. They are friendly and nice people.
    3. They all have strong value system.
    4. Money is by-product of good work. These people focus more on their work and if money happens-great.
    5. They believe in action. Everyone has plans. The difference lies weather you have convection to go ahead and implement them.
    6. They have as many fears as others. Courage is doing things inspite of fear. Not having fear is not courage. Except a movie hero, rest have their fears.
    7. Successful people generally have mastery over their anger.
    8. Most importantly they have clear cut goals. Rarely, these people lose focus of what they want.
    9. They have supreme self-belief.
    10. They never look at past, good or bad. They have a vision for present and future.
    11. They are rarely self-centric. They have a vision for their sub-ordinates aswell.
    12. They dont believe in impossibles and openly flaunt established norms.

    Degree never is a criterion. It helps but its not a must. Else, we wouldn't have a college drop-out as world's richest man.
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  • rick

    MemberJul 6, 2006

    3. They all have strong value system.

    Degree never is a criterion. It helps but its not a must. Else, we wouldn't have a college drop-out as world's richest man.
    well said.

    and almost all of them have their own business. ever heard of any employee who is highly successful? 😎

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  • aashima

    MemberJul 11, 2006


    ever heard of any employee who is highly successful? 😎

    well yea... try to get known to the CEO of microsoft... the nokia company... they are no less successful ppl and they were once employees there
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 11, 2006


    Prady's observations are indeed true!

    Well, degrees will make you 'entry in the market' easy. Your journey afterwords is totally decided by your abilities, common sense & communication skills.

    The technical knowledge that you gained in school/college forms a base which enables you to learn new things and generate new ideas. But 'degree' as such is of no use.

    -The Big K-
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberJul 13, 2006

    Very true!

    Take for example we as engineers have learnt so many things that could have been implemented but how many of us really thought of doing a project(or for that matter any implementation)other than the academics as students and not as ex students!For most of us the academic project itself must have been a head ache,isn't it?We are in colleges to fetch us a degree that is going to fetch us a job with a fat salary thats it!We prefer to be just a part of the rat race! 😎 and the white line is success for most of us!😒
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 2, 2006

    I'm not trying to be funny here. I found that India's current Prime Minister is the most 'educated' person in the history of the world. Do you think he is doing a good job? Do you think qualifications make him what he is today?

    -(sorry for the bad formatting) -

    1950: Stood first in BA (Hons), Economics, Punjab University, Chandigarh,
    1952; Stood first in MA (Economics), Punjab University, Chandigarh,
    1954; Wright's Prize for distinguished performance at St John's
    1955 and 1957; Wrenbury scholar, University of Cambridge,
    1957; DPhil (Oxford), DLitt (Honoris Causa); PhD thesis on India's export competitiveness,

    Occupation /Teaching Experience:

    Professor (Senior lecturer, Economics, 1957-59;
    Reader, Economics, 1959-63;
    Professor, Economics, Punjab University, Chandigarh, 1963-65;
    Professor, International Trade, Delhi School of Economics,University of
    Delhi, 1969-71;
    Honorary professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University,New Delhi, 1976 and Delhi
    School of Economics, University of Delhi,1996 and Civil Servant

    Working Experience/ POSITIONS:

    1971-72: Economic advisor, ministry of foreign trade
    1972-76: Chief economic advisor, ministry of finance
    1976-80: Director, Reserve Bank of India; Director, Industrial Development
    Bank of India;
    Alternate governor for India, Board of governors, Asian Development Bank;
    Alternate governor for India, Board of governors, IBRD
    November 1976 - April 1980: Secretary, ministry of finance (Department of
    economic affairs);
    Member, finance, Atomic Energy Commission; Member,finance, Space Commission
    April 1980 - September 15, 1982: Member-secretary, Planning Commission
    1980-83: Chairman, India Committee of the Indo-Japan joint study committee
    September 16, 1982 - January 14, 1985: Governor, Reserve Bank of India.
    1982-85: Alternate Governor for India, Board of governors, International
    Monetary Fund
    1983-84: Member, economic advisory council to the Prime Minister
    1985: President, Indian Economic Association
    January 15, 1985 - July 31, 1987: Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission
    August 1, 1987 - November 10, 1990: Secretary-general and commissioner,
    south commission, Geneva
    December 10, 1990 - March 14, 1991: Advisor to the Prime Minister on
    economic affairs
    March 15, 1991 - June 20, 1991: Chairman, UGC
    June 21, 1991 - May 15, 1996: Union finance minister
    October 1991: Elected to Rajya Sabha from Assam on Congress ticket
    June 1995: Re-elected to Rajya Sabha
    1996 onwards: Member, Consultative Committee for the ministry of finance
    August 1, 1996 - December 4, 1997: Chairman, Parliamentary standing
    committee on commerce
    March 21, 1998 onwards: Leader of the Opposition, Rajya Sabha
    June 5, 1998 onwards: Member, committee on finance
    August 13, 1998 onwards: Member, committee on rules
    Aug 1998-2001: Member, committee of privileges 2000 onwards: Member,
    executive committee, Indian parliamentary group
    June 2001: Re-elected to Rajya Sabha
    Aug 2001 onwards: Member, general purposes committee


    India's Export Trends and Prospects for Self-Sustained Growth -Clarendon
    Press, Oxford University, 1964; also published a large number of
    articles in various economic journals.


    Adam Smith Prize, University of Cambridge, 1956

    Padma Vibhushan, 1987

    Euro money Award, Finance Minister of the Year, 1993;

    Asia money Award, Finance Minister of the Year for Asia, 1993 and 1994


    1966: Economic Affairs Officer

    1966-69: Chief, financing for trade section, UNCTAD

    1972-74: Deputy for India in IMF Committee of Twenty on International
    Monetary Reform

    1977-79: Indian delegation to Aid-India Consortium Meetings

    1980-82: Indo-Soviet joint planning group meeting

    1982: Indo-Soviet monitoring group meeting

    1993: Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting Cyprus 1993: Human Rights
    World Conference, Vienna


    Gymkhana Club, New Delhi; Life Member, India International Centre, New

    Name: Dr Manmohan Singh
    DOB: September 26, 1932
    Place of Birth: Gah (West Punjab)
    Father: S. Gurmukh Singh
    Mother: Mrs Amrit Kaur
    Married on: September 14, 1958
    Wife: Mrs Gursharan Kaur
    Children: Three daughters
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  • aashima

    MemberAug 2, 2006


    well i guess politics is the only feild which never demands or values a degree. we have highly qualified PM Manmohan Singh, the very talented President Abdul Kalam and at the same time we have Laloo ji and Rabri ji. when they doon't want it then they don't even value it!!!
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberOct 20, 2006

    Couple of points to add here -
    1. To have a successful business, you need the following things -
    1. a good business idea
    2. finance to back it up
    3. skillsets to execute it (you can add your business acumen, grit, determination, hard work, etc here)
    I am talking at a very macro level here, without these 3 its gonna be a tough ride. Now, lets look at what I can get without degrees. (1) is possible, (3) is possible .. (2) - why would a venture capitalist inveset in your business, why would a bank loan you money? both without trusting you and your skills .. I know you can tell them your idea, but can YOU do it. maybe, maybe not, how would the financer know?

    Therein lies the beauty of degrees, if I am an engineer, then atleast the financer knows that I have the formal training/domain knowledge about the IT field. Oh well, at least I can make such an assumption!! That just means, I am CERTIFIED. Accredited. Vouched for. Take your pick.

    This was for budding enterpreneurs.

    2. Now for people who are more job-oriented. To rise up in an organization, one needs to show constant learning capabilities and personal growth. Skillsets have to be picked up, and showed off, again ... degrees come to our rescue.

    Taking this issue at a higher level, look at why Indian IT companies are getting so many ceritifications - ISO 9001-2002, SEI CMM Level 5, PCMM Level 5, BS 7799, and so on ... are they really needed. Yes they are, otherwise how would a new customer trust you. The same applies to you as well, why would a new employer trust you without proper certifications.

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  • Nickhouse

    MemberOct 20, 2006

    😒 I think that in some fields a certificate of competence is required but it does not ensure success. I also believe that in the UK the value of a degree has been lost, over 35% of school leavers now go to Uni and get one! I had a "Electronic Engineer BSc" who pointed out that a capacitor was faulty as a DC voltage would not run through it. And we work on MOD systems!!!!!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 28, 2006

    1. a good business idea
    2. finance to back it up
    3. skillsets to execute it (you can add your business acumen, grit, determination, hard work, etc here)
    Well said, Prasad. I agree with you on point#1 & #2. But I doubt if VCs will actually look at your college degrees before funding you. I believe, VCs will give more credit to your business experience, the 'market value' of your business idea & point#3 above.

    Now, having a college degree might help and tell the VC that you can read & write. If this wasn't true, Bo Peabody would never had received funds to grow Tripod. That's how I look at it.

    😒 I had a "Electronic Engineer BSc" who pointed out that a capacitor was faulty as a DC voltage would not run through it. And we work on MOD systems!!!!!
    Muwahahah 😁

    -The Big K-
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  • Jerry

    MemberNov 28, 2006

    I have not been on this thread for long and I'm too lazy to read all the previous posts.

    Take any example of successful Sportsmen & Musicians. College degree may not play any role in their success.

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  • aashima

    MemberNov 29, 2006

    I have not been on this thread for long and I'm too lazy to read all the previous posts.

    Take any example of successful Sportsmen & Musicians. College degree may not play any role in their success.

    Well that would be considerable provided one has an extra talent like music. It won't be helpful to the masses.
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  • reachrkata

    MemberNov 30, 2006

    Sorry I too have not read the full thread, but only certain snippets here and there.

    What I basically understand from this discussion is, everyone is trying to set a benchmark, surpassing which you feel that you are successful.

    But I think, it never works that way. There is not absolute threshold for success. It is totally self-determined.

    Eg. For me success culd just be coming for a 9-5 job, earning 10K per month and keeping my immediate family happy.
    For someone else, success could be trying to find a flaw with Einstein's General theory of relativity.

    So, success hugely depends on what GOALS you set for yourself.

    For me, acheiving one's own goals is success!!

    Therefore I dont considering person X complimenting me that "you are successful", as success! Success is when YOU acheive YOUR goals !
    And there is a no better judge of one's success, than oneself !!

    This I know is a very philiosaphical way of thinking. Yet this is just my 2 pence !!!


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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 3, 2007

    all i will say is:

    i wonder did billy g complete his degree
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 3, 2007

    all i will say is:

    i wonder did billy g complete his degree
    Well, the point holds true if one relates success to money & fame. What is success? - the question puts us back to square one 😉

    -The Big K-
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 3, 2007

    success: insimple terms is when others appreciate your achievements
    success is when u go 1 step ahead of your comtempararies
    success is when u over some your fears

    and as abhishek bachchan in guru rightly puts ...

    u r successful when people start critisizing you 😁

    so what is your definition of success
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 6, 2007

    This discussion seems to have come to a halt! Speak up, fellas!

    -The Big K-
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberOct 6, 2007

    Firstly, I won't talk about degrees per se, but the environment in which you achieve the degree. In college/uni, you are given the opportunity to absorb a lot of knowledge, meet with experienced professors personally make aquantinces with a lot different kind of students, have access to laboratories and do your own research, etc. Besides that, there are societies and clubs to join as well. By joining those, you can learn to do things that are beyond or not in your degree syllabus, like organizing events, being a "treasurer", designing posters, meet with outside people, represent the uni in sports and so on.

    Its the combination of all of those that would make a degree as something beneficial. But, a degree are useless if you dont take advantage of the process of getting it. If you are a lazy bum who skips class and aims to get the pass, then whats the point? Even those a straight 4.0 students who just seal themselves up at the study table may lose out.

    Secondly, "sucess" itself is a matter of personal definition, as reachrkata said. Whether you want to have you own business, invent a new device, discover a new law (or flaw, in reachrkata's example), be an actor or a basketball star. Some generally define them as success because in the end those people get rich. However, how about those who seek to solve the world's problems, help people in charities, be a soldier defending your country, a policeman keeping civil order and a teacher spreading knowlege to children amongst other things? All are considered a success. So money isnt really everything if you want to consider what success is. Some require degrees, some dont.

    In conclusion, you dont always need a degree to be successful. But that only depends on what you want to be successful in. How you obtain the degree can also decide the avenues of what kind of success is possible. Thats it for now.. maybe I can add some things later if this debate goes on 😉
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  • MaRo

    MemberJan 17, 2008

    This is too complicated in view of some people, but for me unversity partially not useful, this rule fits very much with colleges that are computer-related, computer can be totally self-taught, Bill Gates was a Law student before dropping out.

    But If you have an idea that can change the world go for it, your grades wouldn't even change your city.

    EDIT:sorry for bumping:shifty:
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  • laxmi

    MemberJan 17, 2008

    hai.....degrees r essential for a man to earn more money...say for eg-professional degrees...
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  • mahul

    MemberJan 19, 2008

    There's no escaping professional degrees,especially if ur a person looking up to a career in the technical field, that's for true. For the average and above average lot it can never be any other way.....they got to have a technical degree to land up a job, there can be no other way. but for the brilliant, and i mean the real brilliant of the lots of fresh techies that they churn out at tech schools every year, going in for professional degrees can really serve a bottle neck to ur creativity and independent thinking. Most of the most admired , self made guys are proof enough, don't u think so??( this includes the lot of people who were professionally trained for something and excelled in something else). Well in india the situation is rather worse with the average IQ of the teaching community far below the IQ's of the top 10% of the class the teach( i do sincerely hope hereby that none of my teachers is a member on this blog).
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    MemberJan 25, 2008

    degrees in faculty are not very important to realise success in life that is my opinion i think u should be flexible and be patient and use ur mind not ur heart to think u can make dagrees but degrees can't make u

    nice topic
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  • technospartan

    MemberMar 12, 2008

    (leave aside success.)
    their are thousands of innovators in this world without a degree (many are school dropouts!).Did we ever ask ourselves how is this degree (a formality to be very frank.)going to help us in making a successful engineer? thousands of students from various universities round the globe are graduating in professional courses,but how many are successful?
    how many are really enjoying their work?
    Well according to me degree is just a piece of paper and more of a fomality
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  • Aj..rules

    MemberMar 31, 2008

    Re: okay

    easy 😉

    Let the debate continue 😀 I'm sure we got a lot to shout here. Let the comments flood in friends !

    -The Big K-
    yep...I thik we really need a deegre frenzy.....!
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  • Aj..rules

    MemberMar 31, 2008

    Yep....... I think we need it....!!!
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  • Aj..rules

    MemberMar 31, 2008 makes us feel recognised & wefeel we have a purpose....!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 31, 2008

    Aj..rules makes us feel recognised & wefeel we have a purpose....!

    So, in a way, are you saying that the people who do not have a degree, don't have a purpose?
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  • saurabhgoel10kp

    MemberApr 11, 2008

    Hi everybody
    U cant relate ur success with the degree? Do everybody on this earth who have degree is successful or the persons who do not have degree are not successful. Just think about BILL GATES everybody knows about him. Degrees are necessary to get a good job but not a must for enterpreneure. you can't measure the success by the scale it depends on the individual's thinking. That how do u see the success. do u see it from the other's eyes or from ur own perspective.It depends on the target u have set for ur self if u have a target and u achive it then u r a successful person. But in our society we have made a set of doings. If i have great amount of money and driving in a big car with beautiful wife sitting next to u then u r successful otherwise ur a dump. i just pissed off on this trend of the society.
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  • charumathi

    MemberJan 11, 2009

    i feel pursuing degree course is a worthly one...because its were we learn things to adopt..tackle problems in a proper to take right decisions at the right time..
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  • charumathi

    MemberJan 11, 2009

    i feel pursuing degree course is a worthly one...because its were we learn things to adopt..tackle problems in a proper to take right decisions at the right time..
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJan 12, 2009

    Degrees are just a kind of certificate for our education and I feel its existence with us is too much important where you see lot of cheaters daily, but I don't agree with it that it is needed for being successful. For success one need - Knowledge, Mind , Hard Work and most important Dedication, not a piece of paper(degree)
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  • durga ch

    MemberJan 15, 2009

    Only extraordinary people get confidence without a degree.
    Bill gates -school dropout
    einsteing-called mad kid as school

    for rest degree is a needed.
    in this competitive world where comparision is at evry stage of life, you really can't expect you would survive withut a forma education.
    i agree many are there without formal education. but those many still condtitue a very littlte part of whole lot.
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  • nikunj karotra

    MemberSep 23, 2016

    well i dnt agree that always degree is necesary! because success defination varies from person to person!! but what i think that degree is a one way to being succesful.other than degree there are many others way of being that is totally on us in which field we are intersted and how we can get success in that field...more comments plzz further proceed
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  • Geervani Ashok Bhat

    MemberNov 15, 2016

    Success equals hard work+satisfaction+desired outcomes.
    If Degree had no contribution to Success, no body in this world wud go for it. It Does contribute to success but with a less %.
    There is nothing in this world which does not teach us anything. It all depends on a person how he perceives.
    Degree is one of the step to Success but does not wholly mean Success.
    In order to be successful, u need to first know what Success means for you. If Success means Degree, then you are Successful. For some it means getting a job, for some it means to be Happy, for some something else.

    Hence we cannot conclude saying that DEGREE is necessary or not. Its an individual's perception and need.
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  • Shashank Moghe

    MemberNov 18, 2016

    A degree means nothing - it is just a certificate given by an institution saying you passed the necessary courses/credits.

    There are MOOCs where you can do the same courses (and from top notch universities like MIT/Harvard/Stanford!) but there is no degree-awarding done at the end. That does not mean you have not passed the course material. That does not mean you have not learned the material better than a student who took the same course from a university that awards a degree at the end of 4 years.

    Awarding a degree is a mere formality. By extension, receiving the degree becomes a mere formality too. If you can teach yourself with the dedication of a person attending a course in a formal environment, it does not matter if you have the "degree" at the end - all that matters is your tangible contribution to the process of studying and proof that you have indeed understood the subject matter included in the course.

    Unfortunately, that is not how the world works. And perhaps correctly so - there is no way a company can "judge" if the interviewee has indeed spent time and resources studying what the company finds useful.

    *Unless you present a bunch of technical papers/patents/peer reviewed projects/etc.* without a degree, in which case a company that cares for talent might hire you because that is all an employee is supposed to do - add value! But this would still not be enough for a mass recruiter company like *insert your pick here*.

    In which case the only *and the best possible* way to value your skill/intelligence is by working for yourself.
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