dAlH2Orean: Soda Powered RC Car. Project "Aluminium"

Spanish engineers Aleix Llovet and Xavier Salueña (student & professor respectively) have obtained a patent for the dAlH2Orean - World's first Aluminium and Soda powered car. The best part of the project is that it produces a clean fuel that does not emit CO2 and helps in keeping the environment clean. The car crosses 30km/h which is far lesser than the speed at which the car in famous Sci-Fi movie 'Back To The Future' travels - an inspiration to the student-professor engineering duo.


The power house of the car, powered by residual parts of aluminium mixed with hydroxide of sodium dissolved in water, lasts for about 40 minutes which is quite an impressive time for the small radio operated car. The dAlH2Orean is also the world's first car that uses the Aluminium waste to power the car engine, using domestical sodium hydroxide as a catalyst.

Following video shows the car in action -

dAlH2Orean H2 R/C Car powered by Aluminium on Vimeo from Aleix Llovet on Vimeo | The world's only all-in-one video solution.

Via: #-Link-Snipped-#


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