  • I recently bought a strange curved tool at an antique market.



    I googled a few disciplines that I thought this might have been used in:

    - medical
    - textile
    - leather
    - jewellery

    But I could not find any clue for what this is.

    Can anyone tell me? The only writing is 13 m/m (see picture).

    Best regards,
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberOct 25, 2013

    Looks to me like an antique medical instrument - trocar.

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">ALEX PECK MEDICAL ANTIQUES ARCHIVE, P. 64</a>
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 25, 2013

    Looks quite like it. I tried searching for the image on Google, but couldn't find anything relevant. The description of trocar says it's used for bladder puncture through rectum. But the device pictured above may not be capable of puncturing. Maybe it's a form of it but with some other purpose.
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  • Ingenious

    MemberOct 26, 2013

    I don't think it is a trocar. The material is not strong enough, so you would not be able to push a lot. The other interesting thing is that the 13mm does not refer to the diameter of the front tip. The diameter of the tip is around 10mm. And one more question: the writing says 13 m/m. Does that refer to mm at all? The only measurement that is 13mm at this device is the second circle of the "handle", which does not make much sense.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberOct 26, 2013

    Could be a dilator.
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  • rahul69

    MemberOct 26, 2013

    I recently bought a strange curved tool at an antique market.
    Can anyone tell me? The only writing is 13 m/m (see picture).

    Best regards,
    Looks to me like a drawer handle, with some locking mechanism at the other end 😨
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