Member • May 25, 2018
CrazyEngineers Updated: Have you noticed the changes?
CrazyEngineers just got updated, and we're calling it version 1.0.1. You can see the version information in the footer, just below CE's logo. While we do plan to have a separate section on the site where we'll publish changelog, here's what this version brings -
1. Reply functionality has been fixed - it now prevents double-posting. Give it a try!
2. Social sharing buttons now appear correctly below discussions and news articles.
3. Profile settings now save middle-name properly.
4. Layout fixes - the layout now supports more devices than ever. Please help us test it.
5. GDPR related updates to privacy policy and ToS. Disclaimer: We're still working on achieving 100% compatibility.
6. Trending news now appears correctly.
7. Pagination has been fixed. It's now better and more intuitive.
8. Profile image upload issue solved.
9. Improved '@mentions' for users.
10. Editor related issues.
11. Relative time everywhere (on Discussions and News)
12. General design related bugfixes.
New Features:
1. Flash Notifications: We now provide a visual feedback for the important actions like New Discussion Created or Edited, New Reply Created or Edited etc.
2. Discussions list now shows - 1. Who updated the discussion 2. Direct link to the last reply on the discussion.
3. Ads for guests ?
...more coming soon! Let us know your feedback.