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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 4, 2016

    Question: I signed up successfully. What happens next?

    We will manually review your account and send an activation email. You'll just have to set your password and you'll have access to the site. It's damn easy! 😀
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    MemberAug 4, 2016

    Is is only for the selected few?
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorAug 4, 2016

    Is is only for the selected few?
    The access to CrazyEngineers IO will be granted in batches. The first 1000 sign-ups will get early access. We will be rolling out access to all users in small batches at frequent intervals. Early adopters will have chance to get hands on CrazyEngineers apps before the rest of the world.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 4, 2016

    What kind of apps can I expect to see on IO?

    There are plenty of apps planned that will help you achieve one or more things.

    We're starting with
    • Resume Builder : It will not only help you create resume online but also offer a facility to get your resume reviewed by experts. Many of our users are not good at English, we can help them fix errors and have a job winning resume. There will be plenty of templates to choose from. You may also use this resume to apply to jobs - which is going to be another app (coming soon).
    • Career Guidance App: We are launching it with a punchline "End of bad decision making". We will put your questions in front of right people who will help you take the right decision. No typical 'career counseling' with psychometric tests and all. Simply tell us your situation privately and get help privately.
    • Shop: We want to make a full fledged online shop for our fellow engineers - it will have everything from electronics to apparel.
    • ...and so on. There's no end to how many apps we can launch. You can request apps too and we'll make it happen 😀
    We'll reveal these apps one by one. Stay tuned!
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    MemberAug 4, 2016

    Ankita Katdare
    The access to CrazyEngineers IO will be granted in batches. The first 1000 sign-ups will get early access. We will be rolling out access to all users in small batches at frequent intervals. Early adopters will have chance to get hands on CrazyEngineers apps before the rest of the world.
    Ohhh Great!!! I have recently joined Crazy Engineers and your stuff is wonderful...but I was hoping for an app which will be easier to access
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberAug 4, 2016

    Ankita Katdare
    The first 1000 sign-ups will get early access.
    Only 1000... I am sure its gonna fill up pretty soon.
    I am super excited to be part of first 1000
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 4, 2016

    Anil Jain
    Only 1000... I am sure its gonna fill up pretty soon.
    I am super excited to be part of first 1000
    Because we've a lot of freebies, discounts, giveaways for the first ones. We haven't yet began mailing our members who signed up till last year. 😀
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    MemberAug 4, 2016

    Will we have to pay for these apps?
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  • Murali krishna Gangineni

    MemberAug 4, 2016

    I signed up successfully, when can I get access to the site
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 4, 2016

    Question: How does this benefit me?

    Think - are you good at something? Say, you can explain digital circuits to first year engineering students. You will be able to offer your service through IO platform's upcoming app; and then make money from it 😀

    It's a WIN - WIN!

    : Do you have an old drafter to sell? Sell it through our market.

    : Do you want help with filing income tax or have questions about managing your finances, we're readying an app for it as well!

    Remember, it's an 'ECOSYSTEM' for engineers; which will help you do everything; like a BOSS! Because you are our fellow CEan.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 4, 2016

    Will we have to pay for these apps?
    There will be free as well as paid apps. Some will have basic features for free; and advance one for a small fee.

    For example, if you want help from a specific expert; they might charge fee for their time - and trust me it's going to be worth it!

    That said, even you will be able to help and make money through the IO platform.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 4, 2016

    Murali Krishna Gangineni
    I signed up successfully, when can I get access to the site
    We'll begin rolling out access to signed up members in batches. You will be notified through email. We must do this initially just to see how our servers handle the traffic. No one loves slow loading website or website that throws errors.

    Just a few days more before we start sending out access details.
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    MemberAug 4, 2016

    Is there a limit on how much a person can charge someone for the services offered or app made?
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  • lal

    MemberAug 4, 2016

    I see, so money is brought in to the scene! So what are the legalities, terms and conditions?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 4, 2016

    Is there a limit on how much a person can charge someone for the services offered or app made?
    Pricing details will be made available along with the app. Right now, the app is still under planning stage and it'll be a while before we launch it. 😀 Look at FIVERR - which is going to be the main inspiration behind the app. You can charge in steps.

    However, nothing is finalised as of now. We'll evolve this with feedback from our fellow CEans.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 4, 2016

    I see, so money is brought in to the scene! So what are the legalities, terms and conditions?
    Legal documentation will be in place before weekend. Also, right now, the basic apps are all free. That said, t&c and privacy policy are being worked on by lawyers already.
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  • Gurjeet Singh

    MemberAug 5, 2016

    My account is in pending Review!! waiting for activation link

    Tested the home page some feedback mailed to admin.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 5, 2016

    #-Link-Snipped-# - We are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. It's a new error that didn't occur during our internal testing.

    The error only happens if the user enters incorrect information or leaves the fields empty. If the user enters correct information in the fields; the sign-up happens without any issues.
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  • Debasmita Banerjee

    MemberAug 5, 2016

    Just some suggestions that I think could also be incorporated.
    • Online Placement/internship offering: there are many sites like, which give an opportunity to directly communicate with the recruiter. Crazyengineers can modify the concept and accordingly provide a better service. Similar for internships as well.
    • An individualized schedule: people might use it more often if they can set their goals, make it private, modify and exchange and share it with whomever they want.
    • Design/personalise my profile: As a part of VoiCE, I might want to see /redesign my profiles according to my wish. Add my most favorite articles, shuffle them and sport it to others.
    • Add an album: someone might like to chalk out his career with memorable photos and stuffs. Not a necessity , but just for fun.
    • Build a coding platform (game basis): why not declare a competitive environment where one can challange others in coding? Plus the winner gets some points which he might use to buy a virtual title or sort. Plus, students can practice coding and perform small projects, invite people and do such stuff.
    • A virtual tour to Crazyengineers office (example: #-Link-Snipped-#virtual tour) + snippets of moderators life, work, Tedx videos, weekly talks etc.
    • A full fledged research environment for each category: we might want to see a tie up between CE and springer or other publication houses, meaning want to see a well maintained paper data base. Plus , an environment where we feel free ping our feedback directly to the researchers team. (kind of imaginary but just hoping it might happen )
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 5, 2016

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Thank you for the suggestions. Great to see new ideas 😀 !

    1. Jobs system is already under development 👍

    2. Personalised Schedule, Task Tracker: Sounds cool! I'm wondering if we could add a twist by mutual sharing of TODO list (non-private items) so that we can personally remind each of the the tasks that we need to complete on priority. Let's find out interesting ideas to make this effective for everyone.

    3. In the beginning, we wish to have our resumes treated as our online profiles. We will release free + premium templates that will let our engineers create good looking online profiles.

    4. Coding platform will definitely be done. Let's see if we can evolve ideas here.

    5. We operate out of a small home+office and we'll definitely create a virtual tour as soon as we move to a kickass office 😀 . It's my dream to see all our CEans working under one physical roof. Let's hope the IO initiative will help it bring to reality.

    6. Research environment: Sounds like a good idea; but we never thought of it. Tell us more.

    7. Album: It's easy to do; but do we bring more value than existing offerings from Facebook? Let's see.
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  • Debasmita Banerjee

    MemberAug 5, 2016

    Explaining point no 6. and 7.

    6. This could be incorporated in more than one way. First off, if we are having point no. 4 checked that means with some modifications we can think of having a repository. It will consist of codes, videos, tutorials to commemorate any project that is replicable for example pattern simulation, simple LED blinking through Arduino program. Now, this is already done by Github, so we might simply link our work which will lead to Github. So initially, the requirement is a system which will store our projects. And people might go through my work, request to work on that, which if not possible through CE platform we can simply associate Github Link.

    Secondly, I have seen in our college,the institution has a special access to IEEE journal and others. So our professors scan through different papers and download them. If CrazyEngineers have such special access, then I am sure Millions of people will have a chance to read them, work on them, and it will not be restricted under the hood. Now this can be modified further, suppose if we are having a platform that can access
    different journals maintaining CE UI, which will give a chance to do some personalization.

    For example, I might want to download selective papers, so I can simply choose those papers and it will be stored in my profile which I will be able to read using CE platform , link it somewhere else and work on them and save it for later in CE itself.

    3rd, personal comment system on my work and a member addition,deletion, mentor + _ system. Suppose, if I want , I can add a mentor for my work who will have some special authority on my project which others will not.

    4thly, if we can approach the real authors of that paper using their contacts that are available in most of the papers then it will be a huge success for people who are trying to make a different work out of it, with some modifications. Maybe, it will be possible to collaborate with the real world magicians online.

    7. Personally, I don't like Facebook UI and am not in it, neither ever was. Long before, they incorporated a Timeline system which was meant to give you an idea on their progress, at least that's how I have predicted it, but although it does its work its not at all an efficient life-progress tracker. It's more like a scrolling list, sharing events - photos etc. Now we might expect a UI where the whole profile stuff will have a node like structure, following a tree growth and if someone clicks a node, will be able to see the moments of his life. Well again, its mostly for fun purpous but it might be effective if we can think more about it.
    Just to explain what I meant. The selected node will open this particular phase of life and let one see achievements, casual photos, anything that the user likes to share.

    • Also, just thought, we might want to see a real-time CE chatting service
    • Guidelines for other companies or staff who would like to promote their products or events. I have seen that many of them kind of comment on articles, and they unlike spammers, do it in a very appreciable way. Why not give them a chance to promote their stuff, by putting some guidelines.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 5, 2016

    Super cool thinking, Debasmita. Already taking notes from your post. We do plan to have interactive sessions - like 'AMA's (ask me anything) with experts.

    Other points - yep, points are all noted.
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  • [Prototype]

    MemberAug 5, 2016

    What exactly you guys will be verifying during activation?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 5, 2016

    What exactly you guys will be verifying during activation?
    Active users of will receive activation before others do. Rest of the activations will be in batches. If we suspect any user has not provided right information : for example, if the name is entered as Firstname: 'Crazy' , Lastname: 'XYZ' - they'll be removed from the system and will not receive activation.

    There aren't very strict checks for the activation in place. Only a manual overview.
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  • Debasmita Banerjee

    MemberAug 5, 2016

    Some more suggestions that could be incorporated:
    • A service to add institution: We currently have a separate thread for different tech-fests, conferences, and expos. We might love to see a place where we can tag our institution. And later on, if we post any events or campusing details or stuff, it would be simply added to the list under that institution. Also in this way, we will have a larger database of our audience, and their educational backgrounds.
    • An online pure video editing tool + animation maker: Video making is one of the most important part when it comes to project competitions etc. However, such online tools are not that familiar. People mostly use open broadcaster, Blender etc. but they also lack the simplicity. Although they are feature reach, they lack that "thing". We might want to see a simple + feature reach stuff that will be easily understandable. Yes, it will contain all complicated stuff but that will not be extremely complex to grasp and will be free of cost (if possible). And probably one and only online video editing stuff. Also, if animation section could be added, that will be a cherry on the top.
    • News letter sign up stuff: We already have VoiCE and Founder's Circuit. Why not make a pop up screen for people and help them keep a tab on what's happening in the world of science, technology and entrepreneurship.
    • "MAP ME" : A simple mapping tool to map my location and help people know from which part I belong. And going little deeper, we can see some analysis on users click. I am sure, CE has its own analytics, why not share some of that in "MAP ME" tool in real time.
      -- not as part of app, but later we can think of having a monthly CE magazine (online/offline whichever convenient) like we have of MIT Technology Review, Digit etc.
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  • Bud Carlson

    MemberAug 7, 2016

    I have no idea what I signed up for but for some reason, I'm excited!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 7, 2016

    Can't spell beer w/o EE
    I have no idea what I signed up for but for some reason, I'm excited!
    You are in good + safe hands. Don't worry. I'm guessing we need to make a video explaining what we're doing 😁

    Product launches are never straightforward.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberAug 7, 2016

    I signed up, didnt yet receive the activation email? when i will get it?? waiting!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 7, 2016

    Saandeep Sreerambatla
    I signed up, didnt yet receive the activation email? when i will get it?? waiting!
    Mods and active members of CE will get their activation before others. We're still to rollout access.

    Expect it to begin in a few days. We are still turning final screws.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberAug 8, 2016

    Ok, I am pretty much available in this holiday season as tied up with work 😀 so will always wait for it.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberAug 20, 2016

    Can't spell beer w/o EE
    I have no idea what I signed up for but for some reason, I'm excited!
    I like that enthusiasm 😁
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  • Sharayu Chavhan

    MemberSep 29, 2016

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Question: I signed up successfully. What happens next?

    i dont have android phn.....
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  • Ravi Teja Arora

    MemberMar 17, 2017

    Hi Kaustubh,
    I have joined newly to this group , can you please tell me more information about the App you are going to launch?..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 17, 2017

    Ravi Teja Arora
    Hi Kaustubh,
    I have joined newly to this group , can you please tell me more information about the App you are going to launch?..
    The next app we'll be launching is the jobs app that will feature jobs from interesting companies around the world. We're also talking to employers to remove the regular eligibility criteria for deserving engineers. Expect an announcement early next week.
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  • Eng.asish kumar

    MemberNov 13, 2017

    when the quiz start ?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 13, 2017

    Eng.asish kumar
    when the quiz start ?
    Quiz timings are available on each Quiz registration box. If you've registered for the quizzes, you will be alerted through email about 1 hour in advance.

    Also, Quizzr premium users (Jet, Rocket) do not have to register and they receive SMS alert. 😀
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  • Eng.asish kumar

    MemberNov 14, 2017

    Is there is any charge of crazyengineers io quiz ?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 14, 2017

    Eng.asish kumar
    Is there is any charge of crazyengineers io quiz ?
    It's free ☺️
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  • Bhavana Tripathi

    MemberJan 21, 2018

    I need career advice
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  • Bhavana Tripathi

    MemberJan 21, 2018

    how this site can help about it
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJan 21, 2018

    how this site can help about it
    Hi Riyaan, Log-in here and check - #-Link-Snipped-# Our industry experts will help you find answers to your queries. You can expect super fast response and there's a facility to ask follow-up questions as well. All the best.
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