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Come on guys, take a look at #-Link-Snipped-# . They've a pretty good SVG editor!
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No replies here 😔
Come on guys, take a look at #-Link-Snipped-# . They've a pretty good SVG editor!
Hey, I wonder if this is your 3000[sup]th[/sup] post? 😛 Congrats!
Maybe we need some sort of example of a CE desktop Wallpaper? I'd like to do one, but I don't have time at the moment 😔
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Something like this : - This is KDE wallpaper 😀 . I have an SVG of this.
But we're open to original ideas!
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Member •
Jul 5, 2008
OK, I'll start!
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WOW! This is SOOOOOOOOOOO up my alley! Gets started right away. I need to make it in different screen resolution sizes though. . . right? I'll take another look at that topic made about the resolution sizes! This is perfect!
I HAVE Inkscape!!!
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WOW! This is SOOOOOOOOOOO up my alley! Gets started right away. I need to make it in different screen resolution sizes though. . . right? I'll take another look at that topic made about the resolution sizes! This is perfect!
I HAVE Inkscape!!!
Cool, we have a graphic designer amongst us! 😀 Yeah, that screen resolution topic is useful, haha.
You might be interested in designing a CE Logo too:
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Ash, she's fantastic! She's just sent a wallpaper to me and its really cool.
Let's develop on this design. Not all will prefer RED. So let's come up with different themes of this wallpaper.
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WHOA.. awesome stuff! Nice work Kenetic! Biggie, do we have a full size version if it?
Can't wait for MaRo's one 😀
I've got an idea that has a black background with a little of red. Will work on it next weekend (will be busy with classes this week).
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Yes, as I said, we can have different versions of the wallpaper.
Ash - click here: <a href="https://flickr.com/photos/22309996@N03/2641470149/sizes/o/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">All sizes | Crazy Engineers | Flickr - Photo Sharing!</a>
Waiting for MaRo's design 😀
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Wow! I'm really glad you liked my design. The original file is a .pspimage and the quality is WAY better. But unfortunately, people's computers won't read that file, so I have to save it as a .jpeg and it screws with the quality. The original is WAY more clarified.I can't wait for MaRo's either!
And I used red because it was the sites colours. . . just used my dropper on the thingo and got the colours. I can make more, and I'm working on a wide screen version of the one I already made. It's not too much different. I can make whatever colour you like! And I would be happy to design a banner! What's the size of a regular banner? . . . *remembers Inkscape has that as a option in new picture* Never mind!
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Member •
Jul 6, 2008
first try 1600x1200 resolution
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Wow, great job, MaRo 😁
I really didn't know we've artists over here!
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OH! Wow! Great job, MaRo! Better than what I could do!
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Nice one Maro! 😀
Oh, guys, try exporting the wallpapers as ".png". Its much better than JPEG for internet graphics, since compression artifacts are not present (those fuzzy distortion at the edges of text, images, etc).
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If you want high quality jpeg, try exporting it using IrfanView 😀 . I'm not sure, but it gives you an option to control the quality & size of the image.
Btw, once we have our wallpapers ready, we'll have a "CE Desktop Wallpaper Day". On that day, CEans from around the world will have CE's wallpaper on their desktops. Each one will click a pic of their desktop and post it on forums 😉
We're full of crazy ideas here. Don't you think so? 😁
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If you want high quality jpeg, try exporting it using IrfanView 😀 . I'm not sure, but it gives you an option to control the quality & size of the image.
Btw, once we have our wallpapers ready, we'll have a "CE Desktop Wallpaper Day". On that day, CEans from around the world will have CE's wallpaper on their desktops. Each one will click a pic of their desktop and post it on forums 😉
We're full of crazy ideas here. Don't you think so? 😁
That's a great idea! ^_^ Sorry I haven't gotten the other resolution to you yet. . . I haven't had time to work on it. ^_^ Thanks! I'm glad someone actually liked my wallpaper!
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Member •
Jul 7, 2008
Fantastic job by both so far!
Hey Kinetic, I went to LSU & have been through Monroe.
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Fantastic job by both so far!
Hey Kinetic, I went to LSU & have been through Monroe.
Really? That's something new. . . I'm planning on going to Louisiana Tech or UL (University of Lafayette). Tech has the best engineering program around. . .
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Here's another great wallpaper design by Kinetic_Joules for CE
For the bigger version of the wallpaper - go to following link:
<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/22309996@N03/2667583786/sizes/o/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">All sizes | circut board | Flickr - Photo Sharing!</a>
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Yay! I think it's alright, and it could use something more, so if anyone has any ideas of what could be added or taken away, please do say so!
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Nice job done Kinetic
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Member •
Jul 14, 2008
Very nice kinetic 😀
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Nice job done Kinetic
Thanks a lot!
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nice one, Kinetic. Keep it up!
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Thanks everyone!
My fiance should be coming up with some designs as well. I made him join CE yesterday!
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Member •
Aug 13, 2008
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That's really nice MaRo!
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Boy o Boy! I love it. [Saves as Desktp Wallpaper] 😁
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Member •
Aug 13, 2008
*UPDATE* Website name added & saved as PNG
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Just one suggestion - can you make the letters in "CrazyEngineers" smoother?
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Member •
Aug 13, 2008
Here we are..
Another version
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cool...black verison is so cool 😎.... nice work MaRo
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Dudes...tommorow is an auspicious days for CE ;-)...cozz an Unplugged Verision of CE wallpaper is too be revealed by Me 😁
so stay tuned.....:twisted:
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Dudes...tommorow is an auspicious days for CE ;-)...cozz an Unplugged Verision of CE wallpaper is too be revealed by Me 😁
so stay tuned.....:twisted:
😲 Can't wait !
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Yesterday developed it at home😎 ... so forgot to bring to company today 😔...
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Here's my Unplugged version of Crazy engineers wall paper...... 😉
Please post your comments....
this is meant specially for designers..for any changes or new ideas.. since iam new to Photoshop 😔
Normal 1024 X 768 Resolution
Large Verision 1600 X 1200 Resolution
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I'm bit surprised to see the design skills of our engineers 😀 . Engineers are artists ! wow!
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Awesome wallpaper Anurag...!!!!!!
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Awesome wallpaper Anurag...!!!!!!
Thanks kedarjk...... 😀
yet there's another wallpaper to be revealed...this wallpaper is special...cozz it higlights the tag line of CE forum ... 😉
Uniting All engineers Across the World"..... 😁
so stay tuned.... 😁
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Here's the another wallpaper.... i think this wallpaper is closely related to CE forum tag line....
people i think there are some mistakes in ID's... srry 😁
1024 X 768 resolution
1600 X 1200 resolution
Disclaimer : The basic template is of Vlad Studio.... I thanks them for providing such cool wallpaper for free downlaods...thnanks once again
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Member •
Aug 27, 2008
Very nice idea buddy 😀
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Excellent posts. How did you make it anuragh?
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Very nice idea buddy 😀
thanks a lot.... MaRo😀
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Excellent posts. How did you make it anuragh?
While i was searching for something i found this world map wallpaper... and modified it 😁
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Anurag - head over to #-Link-Snipped-# , there you will find lot of FREE images which you can use for your designs.
Just search the site for pictures you can include in your wallpaper designs. I'm sure you'll find awesome stuff!
Super design!
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Anurag - head over to #-Link-Snipped-# , there you will find lot of FREE images which you can use for your designs.
Just search the site for pictures you can include in your wallpaper designs. I'm sure you'll find awesome stuff!
Super design!
thanks bigge..... 😀
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That kicks my design's ass!
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That kicks my design's ass!
Hi Kinetic.... though your design are sort of special to CE ...since those are made by your self....😀
I took already available wallpapers and modified them....😔
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Hi Kinetic.... though your design are sort of special to CE ...since those are made by your self....😀
I took already available wallpapers and modified them....😔
Yeah. . . I make them from scratch.
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Cool wallpaper there.... anurag is going great
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Link dead so edited the Post
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Link dead will upload the same soon
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Excellent Wallpapers Dude.... :smile:
I Like the Caption for 2nd Wallpaper 😛
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Amazing Entries! 😀 Keep it up, guys!
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Excellent Wallpapers Dude.... :smile:
I Like the Caption for 2nd Wallpaper 😛
Thanks brother
you had also made some great cool wallpapers Impressed by your work 😁
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Thanks brother
you had also made some great cool wallpapers Impressed by your work 😁
Thanks dude...😛
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I am not the best designer around but here it is.
1024X768 resolution
1280X800 resolution
@Big_K: Saved you the trouble 😉
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Nice one, humangod. I'm inspired by that design 😀
If I may comment, the "crazy" doesnt seem to stand out as it should be. If that was your intent, maybe use a different colour and also a more crazier type of font 😉
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I agree with Ash. The design is cool. It misses the "CrazyEngineers" word though 😉
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Nice one, humangod. I'm inspired by that design 😀
If I may comment, the "crazy" doesnt seem to stand out as it should be. If that was your intent, maybe use a different colour and also a more crazier type of font 😉
Thanks Ash!
Will look into that. The point was to separate the i am a proud and crazy engineers part. Well you should try it on your Desktop. Will surely redo it sometime soon. The wall paper also lets you read it as i am a proud engineer!
I am a fan of simplicity 😉
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i know that this is very old topic but can anyone upload the wallpaper of #-Link-Snipped-# once again if anyone have it..
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I've made a new thread for CE wallpapers. If anyone is interested to have a look over and *cough*leave reviews*cough* 😁
here's a snapshot:
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So you are Anurag about which durga talked in her KYCEan right? Awesome wallpaper man,
PS: Where are you man? Not seen here from the time I joined CE 😕
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Sorry for bumping into a very old thread. But all the new CEans should see the creativity of the old ones! 😀
(PS : bring in more wallpapers)
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Akd, Thank you so much for bumping this thread.
How talented our CEans are 😀
I love this,
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I think I found this one very late. All wallpapers were very good.
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Member •
Apr 14, 2011
Wow those are awesome wall papers 😀😀I love the wall papers of kinetic joules!!
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dileep k
Good work there.
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Sorry for bumping into a very old thread. But all the new CEans should see the creativity of the old ones! 😀
(PS : bring in more wallpapers)
Woah!!! 2 years old post!!! 😀 I am in!!! 😛
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