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  • pandianrajendran

    MemberFeb 3, 2017

    some more pic
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  • Abderrahmane FARES

    MemberFeb 23, 2017


    Does your roof have any damp proofing below the stones or there is only the slab ? Because the leaks seem very big .
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  • KSS Manian

    MemberMay 19, 2017

    HI ,

    my house roof crack and Water leakage issue photo attached. I need some solution from engineers. Basically I am electrical engineer. Any one suggest some idea.

    I think that the cement plastering in brick wall is the culprit. These cracks due to some poor mortar ratio and improper curing.

    Also I don't think that your slab is an issue. Because before laid tile's on the roof builders might done the weatherproofing. Also i see the seepage occurs in your wall & slab intersection.

    Confirm whether this water leaked wall is exactly below the wall were cracked? In that case I would recommend you to chip of the damaged surface and redo the plastering.

    Is your building is made by brick masonry (or) Concrete beams & columns?
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