  • hi..
    i want to know if we can connect internet on two different computers with the use of same connection.
    actually i have a internet connection in my computer and i want to have net connection on my laptop using the same connection.
    i want to have net access on both the systems simultaneously with one connection.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 8, 2009

    i want to know if we can connect internet on two different computers with the use of same connection.
    actually i have a internet connection in my computer and i want to have net connection on my laptop using the same connection.
    i want to have net access on both the systems simultaneously with one connection.
    Get a router.
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  • blacrobous

    MemberSep 8, 2009

    get a wireless router or a router with 2 ethernet ports
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberSep 11, 2009

    How are you connected to the internet? If you are already using an ADSL Modem/Router, you can just buy a cheap 5 port switch.

    A cheaper option is if you get a second PCI LAN card for your computer and connect your laptop to it. However, the disadvantage is that you'll need to switch on the main computer to have access.

    If you need to have wireless access, use a wireless router as blacrobous suggested. Be sure to use WPA or WPA2 encryption, and choose a channel that won't interfere with neighbouring channels.
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  • pushpen mahawar

    MemberSep 14, 2009

    Get a ADSL modem with more than one ethernet port so that u can connect your laptop in another port simultaneously .
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  • Aashish Joshi

    MemberSep 14, 2009

    This is the method I use to connect my laptop to the desktop (which acts as the server):

    The desktop has 2 ethernet ports. One is connected to the ADSL modem and the other, via a crossover cable, to the laptop. Once both the connections are live (internet as well as LAN) I use a proxy software, either ccproxy (free demo available for windows) or squid (power proxy for linux) to share the internet connection with the laptop!!
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  • pushpen mahawar

    MemberSep 19, 2009

    yup...but it is for the pc which has two ethernet ports (LAN Cards)...but what if we have only one ethernet port on our desktop ??? is there any way ?? i think we need a modem with two or more ethernet ports ....
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  • Mahesh Dahale

    MemberSep 19, 2009

    get a wi-fi router or router with more than 1 LAN port
    and don't set the connection dial-up ,
    connect using broadband connection that is always on
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  • Aashish Joshi

    MemberSep 19, 2009

    you can always buy a PCI ethernet card and attach it to the relevant slot in your comp..that's what i've done. it will work out cheaper..

    however this solution is effective only if you have to connect two PCs. If you have to connect more than 2, then you should seriously look at either a wired or a wireless router...
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  • blacrobous

    MemberSep 21, 2009

    wireless router is best according to me
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  • murali459

    MemberSep 21, 2009

    i think take the help of wireless the best choice to use one net connection to 2pc
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  • AGRU

    MemberSep 25, 2009

    yup,taking wireless router will be best amonst the options avalable
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberSep 26, 2009

    Well, a wireless router would certainly bring convenience, but its suitability depends on the user requirements.. such as mobility around the house.
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  • xero

    MemberSep 26, 2009

    If you have a LAN card, and you connect to your internet modem via USB (from desktop), then this is possible.

    Enable internet sharing on the computer which you have internet. Then connect your laptop to the computer via LAN cable. Set the gateway of the laptop as the new ip of the desktop and Voila !

    If possible give it a shot, and let us know 😀
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberSep 27, 2009

    For power conservation, I think its best to choose an option where one doesn't need to have the 1st computer to be switched on to enable connection for the 2nd one 😀
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