Connectify Dispatch Ready To Combine Your Internet Connections

We love Connectify Dispatch! This kickstarter project got our attention because it solves a problem you've always wanted someone to solve - combining all the Internet connections available into one solid connection which doesn't fail. This PC software will combine Ethernet, Wi-Fi, 3G, and 4G Internet connections into one 'super connection' and lets you download stuff reliably and at a speed which is a total of all the connections! If any of the connection fails, it only reduces the overall speed - but doesn't interrupt your download or browsing experience. Incredible, isn't it?

[caption id="attachment_44539" align="aligncenter" width="575"][​IMG] Connectify Dispatch Screenshot[/caption]

Connectify Dispatch is bundled with Connectify Hotspot Pro which retails for $89.99 for a lifetime license. Though available only to the Windows users right now, we've been told that the Mac OSX version is in 'early stages' of development and an Android version has been planned. Grab your copy right away from


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