  • Personal congratulations to kautabh and Ankita and everyone behind the team. If I am not mistaken long back, may be around 2011, I had suggested a marketplace for CE. Good that you have gone ahead with API/App based approach.
    I have noticed that from word go, you have gone ahead with SSL. Great sign.

    As I am extremely busy with my struggling startups and Integrated Ideas, I have to probably wait before I can dig into some of the APIs and start working. But here is some quick things you can do which might be helpful.

    1) Data services: keep collecting datasets, either through user submission or other ways. For example 100 years of India's rainfall data. You don't get that anywhere. Give access token based standard RESTful APIs for such data access.
    2) May be Location based tutor services

    3) May be a content marketplace;
    You create a course/vlog/blog/article, put it for sale ( something on this front)
    4) Connectivity: The so called facebooks and twitters doesn't work at all in many educational institutes. WA groups allows parents to communicate with each other on a topic posted by schools/colleges. Planned, well architect human connectivity for campus will be killer.
    5) Event services like workshops and so!

    Some random thoughts came up in mind which I elaborated. There may be others and I am sure none better than kaustabh in identifying them.
    Once more sorry for my dropped frequency in CE and I am with the team always. Any technical or intellectual discussions or chat regarding this, and I will be ok and available always.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorAug 5, 2016

    Good to hear from you, Rupam. So long.

    You have picked up the idea well. The underlying concept it solving problems that engineering students and professionals face on a single platform. What better way than having dedicated apps to cater specific needs under the same umbrella. Choose what you want to access and take maximum benefit.

    Thanks for sharing your ideas about prospective apps. If truth be told, some concepts out of what you've suggested here are already scribbled in our notepads and are being brainstormed upon since the last few months. With time, we will bring them all to life!

    That said, we will always need the support & encouragement of all our loyal CEans!
    Thanks for being here today.
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberAug 5, 2016

    Many of you might have also noticed by dropped writing in fb or even blogs. Just another phase in life where I am into some new horizons. But I do keep tracking CE blogs. Good going.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 5, 2016

    Thank you, Rupam. Sure, there will be APIs so that we can let our fellow engineers develop their own apps. The new ecosystem allows us to do 'anything'. So we can have formal, no-nonsense study groups; expert interactions, webinars et al. Everything is possible.

    Our sole focus is on utilising the power of our large community of engineers and make things happen that benefit everyone. We hope to be able to launch new apps at regular time intervals. With a very limited team; it's going to be a huge challenge. But we're going to request help from volunteers.
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