Member • Jul 1, 2007
Common collapsed form of words!!
Here are a few of them :
1) mask - derived from "masquerade" which means "assuming a false identity".
2) extempore - derived from "extemporaneous" which means "not planned or IMPROMPTU"
3)manure - derived from "maneuver" which means "to cultivate by manual labor"
4) desire - derived from "desideratum" , do I need to tell what it means?
5) flail - derived from "flagellate" which means "thresh grain by hand; strike or slap; toss about"
6) maim - derived from "mayhem" which means "to injure", most people may have heard the word "mayhem" more often than "maim".
7) melee - derived from "medley" which means "fight". Medley means "mixture" but it may also have a connotation of fight. I would encourage the readers to cross -check.
8)palsy - derived from "paralysis" .Again we recognoize "paralysis"better.
9) Hi-fi - derived from "high fidelity". This one is part of communications jargon now.
10)ping - derived from "impinge" which means "to strike or dash with a sharp collision;infringe". The original has a negative connotation but the collapsed form - ping,is part of IT jargon. In IT Ping is a computer network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network. So it is a kind of infringement but not always in a negative sense.😁
If you are interested in more of these , refer "All About Words - An Adult Approach to Vocabulary Building - Nurnberg,Rosenblum".
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