  • Hi CEans , Here is a chance for us to unite to analyze the causes which may lead to accidents of the automobiles . We should list out the possible causes for a accident to happen. As a technical student, we should analyze it to the core. So here are some non technical reasons for a accident to happen:

    1) Drunken Driving, 2) texting and calling while driving, 3) carelessness and rash driving.

    Some technical reasons behind accidents:

    1) High beam which can cause temperory blindness, 2) Sudden burst of tyre due to over inflation and under inflation, 3) tyre puncture, 4) Brake failure , 5) Linkage cut out.

    Share your experience and list possible accident causing reasons in automobile.
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  • zaveri

    MemberOct 12, 2013

    Now if a person is indulging in drunken driving, then what kind of system should we design so that accidents are prevented from taking place ?
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberOct 12, 2013

    Now if a person is indulging in drunken driving, then what kind of system should we design so that accidents are prevented from taking place ?
    We can use passive alcohol sensors in cars or bikes which should complete the circuit only if it will sense no alcohol in air or air inside car.So now car will be ignited only if the driver is not drunken.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberOct 12, 2013

    SarathKumar Chandrasekaran
    We can use passive alcohol sensors in cars or bikes which should complete the circuit only if it will sense no alcohol in air or air inside car.So now car will be ignited only if the driver is not drunken.
    That doesn't really work!

    let's say I am drunk that I am unable to drive my Car, so I will ask x person to drop me at home. But since the sensor you mentioned detect the air inside car doesn't starts engine until there is no clean air, then I won't be able to reach home.That's bad, isn't it ? Because even if I am not driving & other clean person is driving, the car won't start.

    You gotta think other way.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberOct 13, 2013

    Abhishek Rawal
    That doesn't really work!

    let's say I am drunk that I am unable to drive my Car, so I will ask x person to drop me at home. But since the sensor you mentioned detect the air inside car doesn't starts engine until there is no clean air, then I won't be able to reach home.That's bad, isn't it ? Because even if I am not driving & other clean person is driving, the car won't start.

    You gotta think other way.
    Passive Alcohol sensors are the electronic devices which usually acts like a electronic nose and it is more accurate in identification of alcohol level in driver.Research has shown passive alcohol sensors to be effective in identifying persons with BACs of 0.10 and greater with detection rates of 70% or higher.Here is a bit moderated and changed idea of this working. We gonna place the detector near the steering wheel or mount it in steering wheel. Driver has to take the test. If he passes the car ignition system activated by ECU. Following pictures give a good understanding of it. If you found any flaws, please feel free so that we can jointly develop this idea into a good one.Passive-Alcohol-Sensors 2013-10-13 16.43.20 2013-10-13 16.40.16
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