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  • sookie

    MemberOct 24, 2009

    Hi itchap,

    Quite informative Slides,

    Is it possible for you to explain ERP in brief just by any real life example ? I mean not in theoretical words. Also if I am opening some XYZ company then what all I need to do for including ERP in my business processes ?

    Thanks !
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 24, 2009

    Hi itchap,

    Quite informative Slides,

    Is it possible for you to explain ERP in brief just by any real life example ? I mean not in theoretical words. Also if I am opening some XYZ company then what all I need to do for including ERP in my business processes ?

    Thanks !
    Good that you asked. I was looking forward to such questions from members.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 25, 2009

    Here's my question-

    How can an ERP solution benefit an engineering college? What kind of problems can be solved with it?

    On slide #7, you mention that -

    Wait if you have:
    No immediate threat of Y2K, Euro and other known/unknown problems.
    The world is already out of the Y2K danger. I'm unaware of the "Euro" problem you mentioned. Please explain it in a greater detail.

    Also, how can a company determine threat from unknown problems? Is it even possible?

    Let us know if you need any clarifications on the questions.
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberOct 25, 2009

    Good work...itchap

    What do you mean by software solution ..??

    2nd My question is also the same as biggie asked ..How can you know about unknown problems??
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  • itchap

    MemberOct 25, 2009

    Good question sookie...In order to implement ERP in your company you won't need anything just hire me. I will done rest of the work for you...😉

    Just kidding. Let get back to the point.

    I am starting from the very beginning. The definition of "ERP is to plan the resource of enterprise in such a way that the enterprise get the maximum output at a reasonable input". Let us consider the example of manufacturing company like carpet manufacturers.(Real Time Example)

    In order to get order from market what will you do???(Think about it)

    you first create the sample then start the marketing of the product.

    Then literally a carpet manufacturing company follow the following process.

    Sampling->Marketing->Take Order->Production Planning & Controls->Material Purchase Planning->Work Order->Order Execution

    Note: Some other processes are also there. I am not mentioning here to hide the complexity of the processes.

    In order to implement ERP in your company first of all you need to study the existing system. Then you will get to know the deficiencies of your existing system.
    This process is called the BPR(Business Process Re-engineering).

    Before choosing your ERP you should think that the modification you are going to done should be small and important for your business.
    Then you need to decide weather you are making it at your own i mean a
    in- house development or by getting it a service company.

    Before purchasing ERP some more points you need to consider
    1.Check whether all functional aspects of your Business are covered.
    2.Check whether all the business functions and processes are integrated.
    3.Check whether all latest IT trends are covered.
    4.Check whether the vendor has customizing & implementing capabilities.
    5.Check the Service options available.
    6.Check your purse & calculate ROI(Return On Investment)

    Hope i am able to justify. Feel free to ask some more question on this.
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  • itchap

    MemberOct 25, 2009

    Now i am moving towards Biggy's question...
    How can an ERP solution benefit an engineering college?

    Now i am changing the definition of ERP a little bit. In ERP
    "E" stands for Enterprise it may be any organization,firm,company etc.
    "R" stands for Resource includes(Man,Machine,Capital).

    "P" stands for Planning.

    If we are making ERP for an Engineering college What departments need to be considered just think about it.

    I think following department you need to be consider.

    1.MIS (Management Information System)
    2.Library Management
    3.Student Registration & Admission
    4.H R Management
    5.Student Attendance
    6.Staff Attendance
    7.Fee Collection
    8.Payroll Management
    9.Result Processing
    10.Financial Accounting
    11.Result Analysis

    Actually the beauty of ERP is that you won't need to search the files and make the calculations of profit and losses. Because each and everything is in your Computer and you can see at what stage we are lagging. Then it will easy for us to resolve that issue.

    Thus we can say that ERP is nothing but automation of your organization in order to improve efficiency of your resources and making maximum benefit.

    Now the second question is What kind of problems can be solved with it?

    And my answer is almost all the problems can be solved by ERP. If it is consists all the functional aspects of your business.

    For any organization following problems may occurs.

    1.Unable to get accurate information.
    2.Unable to get timely information.
    3.Applications not complete for existing business practices.
    4.Modifications are time consuming or not feasible.

    These problems can be solved using ERP. Because today ERP packages are available for all kinds of businesses and just to need to customize a little bit.
    Secondly customers and buyers get the online communications.
    And also the most important result analysis portion is considered in it.

    And the next question is: EURO Problem

    The EURO problem is that The European Union decided to create an Economic Monetary Union (EMU), which included a single European currency managed by a European Central Bank (ECB).

    This phased in on January 1, 1999. Accounting systems that dealt with the currencies of the participating countries had to deal with both native and euro values. On January 1, 2002, euro notes and coins were made available, with national currencies withdrawn by March 1 of that year. Public and private companies spent more than $150 billion modifying their information systems to accommodate the euro. England, Sweden and Denmark have not adopted the euro, but the countries that were initially involved are:

    • Austria
    • Belgium
    • Finland
    • France
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Ireland
    • Italy
    • Luxembourg
    • Netherlands
    • Portugal
    • Spain

    Hope i am able to justify. Feel free to ask some more question on this.
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  • itchap

    MemberOct 25, 2009

    Lets move on to next question What do you mean by software solution ..??

    I simple terms i can say that a solution for any problem which is provided by implementing the software(Here i mean ERP) is called as software solution. 😉

    Means in today's business strategy most of the companies are demanding so called software solutions in order to make money and improve the efficiency of employees and machines and other resources.

    And your second question is How can you know about unknown problems??

    Dude no body can know about unknown problems because they are "Unknown".
    Who knows about the recession??But still everybody suffered by it??
    I mean to say that we can not predict what problems are going to come in future. But atleast we can minimize those risks by maintain our business momentum. And making a good decisions at all levels of our business.
    As in INDIA the impact of recession is not so much high as compared to other countries like USA.Because of good maintenance of economy. 😁

    Hope i am able to justify. Feel free to ask some more question on this.
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