Change Gmail Background Image Feature Now Out

Google has introduced Gmail Background Theme customization feature. Two years back, when Google introduced new themes to Gmail, all the Gmail Lovers readily tried new themes to replace the old boring colors. And now Gmail gives you the facility to use your own creativity to customize your Gmail interface. We only wonder what took it so long for Gmail to come up with it.

To customize background image on Gmail:

1. Go to Themes Tabs in Settings or you can just click #-Link-Snipped-#

2. In the Themes tab,  scroll down and you will find the last option is "Create your own theme". Click it.

3. In a pop-up window, you get a simple wired structure of Gmail, where you can select areas and choose colors for it from the left panel.

4. In bottom-left corner, you get an option for 'upload image', where you can use an image from your PC or from Picasa and use as your Gmail background.

Note: Don't use images with large size because that could make your browser a bit slow.

Here's a sample screenshot of the window for customization:



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