  • 1. Determine the oxygen up take by immobilized cells or enzymes in Bio reactor.
    2. Design a bio reactor for continuous operation
    3. Operation of more than one bio reactor in cascade.
    4. Design a 'Chemo stat' with cell recycle.
    5. Batch production aspartic acid using cell bound enzyme
    6. Bio-processing - the effect of reaction efficiency
    7. Development And Formulation Of Effective Microorganism Technology For The Effective Treatment Of Dairy Industry Effluent
    8. Biotechnological Process Of Composting And Field Evaluation Studies
    9 .Aeromycofloral Studies Of Some Occupational Sites In Davangere City
    10 .Slow Pyrolysis Of Kikar For Generation Of Solid, Liquid And Gaseous Fuels
    11. Comparative Study Of Performance Of Polymeric And Ceramic Membranes For Vegetable Oil Industry Waste Water Recycling And Some Biomolecular Separation Applications
    12. Digital Hearing Aid Using Dsp
    13. Odor Recognition System
    14. Skin Color Monitor
    15. Pulse Oximeter Using Psoc
    16. Isolation And Characterisation Of Micro-Organisms Involved And Used As Bio-Pesticides
    17. An Investigation Into Efficacy Of Bioethanol Production From Different Sources Of Biomass
    18. Biofilters : An Emerging Technique
    19. A Study On Solid Waste Microflora And Its Application In Biodegradation
    20. Biotechnological [Censored] Health Care Product
    21. Screening Of Antioxidant And Hepatoprotective Potency Of Butea Superba - A Rare Plant Genetic Resource Of Western Ghats
    22. Protocol For Rapid Propagation Of Dioscorea Racemosa
    23. Standardization Of Protocol For The Isolation Of Chitin From Marine Shells And Its Applications In Dye Removal From Textile Industry
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    AdministratorJun 2, 2012

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