  • Kaustubh

    MemberFeb 17, 2007

    CE Telephonic Interviews

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hello CEans![/FONT]

    Lot of CEans are in their third/final year of Engineering. As students, they seldom get chance to face real life situations where they actually face the interviews. The first interview scares us to death. In order to make our CEan more prepared & confident for the Job Interviews (technical/HR) we have started an #-Link-Snipped-#. We go a step further and announce the actual Mock Interviews. The owner of this initiative would be Mayur (team editorial) who will be responsible for arranging and conducting all your interviews.

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]CE – Mock Interviews will be telephonic in nature. The procedure is as follows -[/FONT]
    1. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Send your resume to : #-Link-Snipped-#[/FONT]
    2. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We will go through your resume and arrange for the 'right' people to Interview you.[/FONT]
    3. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We will send you the Date/Time of the Interview (probably weekend) along with our contact number, where you will have to call on the D-day.[/FONT]
    4. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You'll be grilled for about 20-30 minutes. We'll note down the areas where you screw up and also the areas where you do a good job. [/FONT]
    5. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We'll send the feedback to you through the email, keeping everything strictly confidential.[/FONT]
    6. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We'll request you to share your experience on the forums so that others also benefit & learn from you.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Oh, and in the whole process, you only pay for the phone call that you make. Everything else, is 'FREE'.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Sounds great? It is! Questions? Flood them in reply to this post![/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]-The Big K-[/FONT]
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  • Kartik Vyas

    MemberFeb 18, 2007

    Re: Engineering Students: CE Telephonic Interviews

    What a gem of an idea. I am sure that this is going to help the engineers out a lot. I remember how I and my friends were fretting before the start of the interview season. Great going CE!😁

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  • Neha

    MemberFeb 21, 2007

    Thats a great initiative, Biggie!!!
    Get ready to receive the mail soon Mayur😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 22, 2007

    Thats a great initiative, Biggie!!!
    Get ready to receive the mail soon Mayur😀
    Neha, thanks for the compliments. The idea popped from our own CEan - Mayur's brain. He's such a creative guy .

    The purpose is simple. While we interviewd freshers, we found out that many of them have the talent & technical knowledge, but do not know how to bring it up during interviews.

    We'll also be providing tips on building a better resume. Let's hope that this activity helps lot of our fellow CEans.

    Oh yes, let me tell you that we are collecting tips from real life managers who have been in industry for years and have conducted 100s of interviews. We'll release an article on CE soon.
    -The Big K-
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberFeb 22, 2007

    Hi Neha,

    Thank you for appreciating the idea. Great to know that your thinking has been acknowledged. 😀

    I'm looking forward to receiving your resume. Understand that you can refrain from giving your contact details, except your functional e-mail id. Any thing you share with us will be kept confidential.

    One more thing, we are not limiting this service only for CEans. Your friends who wish to get interviewed may also approach us. We are here to help

    Keep posting! Its good for health.
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  • Neha

    MemberFeb 24, 2007

    I faced an interview recently and what I noticed is that besides the technical knowledge and communication skills, your confidence level has a great role to play. If you are confident enough, the chances to clear doubles!!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 24, 2007

    I faced an interview recently and what I noticed is that besides the technical knowledge and communication skills, your confidence level has a great role to play. If you are confident enough, the chances to clear doubles!!
    Neha has a valid point. The main objective behind CE Interviews is to help CEans (who are new to Interviews) face the interview process with confidence.

    There are tons of 'Personality Development' institutes which train people how to face interview. But we realized, the advice is wrongly understood by students. I'll post funny experiences from actual interviews just to make a point and there is lot to learn from these experiences.

    I request all CEans to take the post-interview feedback that you receive from CE seriously and work on it.

    -The Big K-
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  • DEP

    MemberFeb 24, 2007

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hello CEans![/FONT]

    Lot of CEans are in their third/final year of Engineering. As students, they seldom get chance to face real life situations where they actually face the interviews. The first interview scares us to death. In order to make our CEan more prepared & confident for the Job Interviews (technical/HR) we have started an #-Link-Snipped-#. We go a step further and announce the actual Mock Interviews. The owner of this initiative would be Mayur (team editorial) who will be responsible for arranging and conducting all your interviews.

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]CE – Mock Interviews will be telephonic in nature. The procedure is as follows -[/FONT]
    1. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Send your resume to : #-Link-Snipped-#[/FONT]
    2. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We will go through your resume and arrange for the 'right' people to Interview you.[/FONT]
    3. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We will send you the Date/Time of the Interview (probably weekend) along with our contact number, where you will have to call on the D-day.[/FONT]
    4. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You'll be grilled for about 20-30 minutes. We'll note down the areas where you screw up and also the areas where you do a good job. [/FONT]
    5. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We'll send the feedback to you through the email, keeping everything strictly confidential.[/FONT]
    6. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We'll request you to share your experience on the forums so that others also benefit & learn from you.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Oh, and in the whole process, you only pay for the phone call that you make. Everything else, is 'FREE'.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Sounds great? It is! Questions? Flood them in reply to this post![/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]-The Big K-[/FONT]

    mayur && big_k,

    hats off to you guys !!!
    its an awesome idea...
    i am preparing my resume as well...
    i need your guidance.i really dont know how to prepare an organized
    and a good resume.
    this might sound foolish on my part but can u please help me out.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 24, 2007

    mayur && big_k,

    hats off to you guys !!!
    its an awesome idea...
    i am preparing my resume as well...
    i need your guidance.i really dont know how to prepare an organized
    and a good resume.
    this might sound foolish on my part but can u please help me out.
    Sure, you will have to wait for some time until we work on the Resume writing tips. 😀

    - The Big K-
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberFeb 25, 2007

    Hi All,

    I guess both of you are still in your colleges. So it might be apparent that you have not undergone much of the process. Both me and biggie are hardened souls 😉

    You need not worry, if CEans commit some thing, we deliver results of the highest value. I have myself conducted and sat in many interviews. I'm not an expert, but have seen enough to tell you what works on the resume and what doesn't. So by the time biggie sets up resume builder tips, you may send me a draft copyof your resumes. I will work on it and create a best possible CV.

    As for confidence, it builds up as you practice more. The key is to be yourself and not panic. If you answer well, you win. If you dont, you have nothing to lose.

    You can always contact if you have any difficulty.
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 3, 2007

    thats a really cool idea .... though not as real as a 1 on 1 mock interview it will surely giv the participants an idea of the kinda questions asked ... and please people it should not take u an interview to realise that ur confidence is what is tested there ... another tip for an interview never bluff
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  • DEP

    MemberMar 4, 2007

    hi big_k

    i want to know about the mock interviews thing.i mean when are you planning to start them??
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 4, 2007

    hi big_k

    i want to know about the mock interviews thing.i mean when are you planning to start them??
    Hi DEP,

    Mock interview service has been launched. All you have to do is send your resume to CEan - Mayur ( #-Link-Snipped-# ) . After analyzing your resume, you'll be provided with tips & we'll arrange for an interviewer. You'll be given a number where you'll have to call.

    In the whole process, you only pay for the telephone call that you make. Everything else is free. 😀

    Once the telephonic interview is over, we'll provide feedback to you. The feedback will be strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone.

    For more details, please refer post#1 in this thread. If you still have questions, drop a line to Mayur.

    -The Big K-
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberMar 12, 2007

    Lot of replies and queries have come up regarding this initiative from CE. However we still dont have a volunteer who can step up for first CE mock interview.

    The service is already on offer. I'm begining to wonder if CEans have understood the value of this service or not. Are you all well equipped to face interviews or do you think the method is not right?

    Let your suggestions flow.
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  • Deepika Bansal

    MemberDec 28, 2010

    Hello mayur sir. Can I send my resume now... I am sorry I read this post today only... Please let me know..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 28, 2010

    Closing old thread.
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberDec 28, 2010

    This is very old thread. but this is really good idea.
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberJan 9, 2011

    Yeah but I'm afraid I guess it is now not possible to restart the campaign!
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