  • Jeffrey

    MemberAug 19, 2013

    CE- QUIZ (Trial Version 1.0)


    1. What will be the output sequence of the JK flip flop for 6 clock cycles, if the initially the flip flop is reset, K is always held at high and J is wired to Q’?

    2. What is the role of the transistor in this simple circuit?

    3. Will the RL pair act as a parallel tank Circuit ?
    4. Why can’t a digital circuit be implemented practically to get the same result?

    5. Why is active loading preferred in any amplifier circuits to get better output stability?

    6. Which device is used to protect the high voltage circuits from transient current?

    7. Find me –

    · I have little or no internal memory

    · I can handle a WORD at a time

    · I am capable of getting a desired response from input

    · I can be programmed at your wil

    8. Who is the father of Transistor?

    9. Why is a NAND gate easier to fabricate compared to other gates in IC?


    PS: This is just the trial version of the newly developed CE quiz
    Pls participate and pour in your comments to make this better

    Sorry only for electrical and electronics students now cos we wanted to limit the test samples we will be getting Other fora will get linked as the work gets in more fire power
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 19, 2013

    Post feedbacks only in the thread <a href="">CE- Quiz Suggestions</a>

    If you have any confusion or questions are unintelligible do post here

    PS: Answers will be revealed at weekend
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 23, 2013

    Should I publish the results for this event.

    Cos I felt many electrocrats trying it But not answering any of the questions

    Nice suggestions have been received and We will do more thought work to come out in a much better flare the next time

    PS: Do comment if the questions were too tough
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