  • THE TESTS ROCKED Here is how we can make it rock further. 😀
    Corrections to be made.

    1. Looking at the greater response for tests, we will need a system for discussing answers. The current one is good but more up gradation is required. (Feel free to suggest things.

    2. *Auto* submission of tests.

    3.When we press the Un attempted questions button, should directly point towards, those questions.

    4. What about the quality of questions? I have no idea. I am not preparing for CAT. but feel free to discuss if CE can make it still great next time. 😀

    5. @ Biggie: Check the condition of your server. It should bear the load next time. 😀

    6.@AKD/moderators: Sending everyone PM for the tests would not be a practical idea. as contestants would be many. Can there be a system for COMPUTER GENERATED MAILS?

    Any more points guys? 😀
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberJul 24, 2011

    Looking at the response and curiosity I think we need to do a sample test regarding the load the server can handle.

    The quality of questions is good.

    The best way to discuss answers is to post 3 threads in our forum for Quant, English and DI respectively?

    If we can get the HTML file of the result, which gives all the answers we answered and not attempted it helps in analysis.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 24, 2011

    @ES: The exam gives a HTML output of results right?

    My Suggestion, let the no negative marking be there... Others have already been said by Ishu... 😀
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    MemberJul 24, 2011

    I did not give any suggestions. AKD and SS must have thought it before I suggested this thing. 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 24, 2011

    The test was conducted on ZOHO's server, not ours. We'll continue to do the tests on their servers and only when we develop our own tests system, we'll have to worry about the server load.

    This was the *FIRST* time we've conducted the online tests and we can't be perfect in the first go. We're already talking with the experts to help us conduct the test in better and efficient manner. Be assured that the tests will keep on getting better and better every time. Keep the suggestions coming.
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    MemberJul 24, 2011

    @Biggie: Can we make the tests like the one CAT has? with negative marking and all?
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 24, 2011

    @Biggie: Shall I write a code for an online test application or a quiz application? What so ever?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 24, 2011

    @Biggie: Shall I write a code for an online test application or a quiz application? What so ever?
    WHY NOT? Start it as a CE Labs project.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 24, 2011

    Starting right away... 😀
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