Member • Jul 24, 2011
CE Mock Online Tests Suggestions.
Corrections to be made.
1. Looking at the greater response for tests, we will need a system for discussing answers. The current one is good but more up gradation is required. (Feel free to suggest things.
2. *Auto* submission of tests.
3.When we press the Un attempted questions button, should directly point towards, those questions.
4. What about the quality of questions? I have no idea. I am not preparing for CAT. but feel free to discuss if CE can make it still great next time. 😀
5. @ Biggie: Check the condition of your server. It should bear the load next time. 😀
6.@AKD/moderators: Sending everyone PM for the tests would not be a practical idea. as contestants would be many. Can there be a system for COMPUTER GENERATED MAILS?
Any more points guys? 😀