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  • K!r@nS!ngu

    MemberJan 15, 2012

    If time allows me, I will attend for sure......
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 15, 2012

    Just enabled RSVP system (a must 😀 ). Interested CEans can confirm their attendance.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJan 15, 2012

    Please fix a date and a time.
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberJan 15, 2012

    Have you decided the Agenda for the Meet?
    Decide a Strong Agenda and mention that in the first post.

    How about the yellow notice for this CE Meet at Hyderabad? 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 15, 2012

    Notice will be put for all the CE Meets provided the meet is finalized (that is, date, schedule, agenda etc.)
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberJan 15, 2012

    Just counting the members now. Once we got a good number, then we can go for an agenda and we can fix the date and venue as well.
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberJan 15, 2012

    Date and time looks fixed, though tentative.
    We had discussed a few points here for the agenda:

    I was thinking if the yellow notice is put now, more visitors and members will learn about the Meet. And they might want to join in and put forth their ideas and also confirm their presence for the Meet. 😀
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberJan 15, 2012

    Date and time looks fixed, though tentative.
    We had discussed a few points here for the agenda:

    I was thinking if the yellow notice is put now, more visitors and members will learn about the Meet. And they might want to join in and put forth their ideas and also confirm their presence for the Meet. 😀
    No! The date has not been fixed yet.
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberJan 16, 2012

    No! The date has not been fixed yet.
    The thread topic says "CE Meet 2012 at Hyderabad on Feb 1, 2012", I thought that's a tentative date fixed as of now.
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  • K!r@nS!ngu

    MemberJan 18, 2012

    Nobody confirmed yet😭 ??? Why don't we share the thread URL to the Guys from Hyderabad/A.P. so that they can come to know about the event.
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJan 18, 2012

    Where is Mr.Don ? I think he'll join this meet.
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  • K!r@nS!ngu

    MemberJan 18, 2012

    Where is Mr.Don ? I think he'll join this meet.
    He's not been active these days. Dead line is too short, just 12 days.
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberJan 18, 2012

    There is no dead line and the date has not been fixed yet. we can modify according to our attendees.
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberJan 28, 2012

    CEans who are willing to come for the Meet, fill up this small Agenda form (all fields are mandatory 😁)




    Technology you working on:

    Technology you want to discuss:

    Startups: <any Entreprenuer in the making?>

    Agenda: <mention at least 2 points which you want to discuss in the CE Meet>

    Work hard, Party harder: <movie, trekking, chillaxing>
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  • vinod12345madhu

    MemberJan 29, 2012

    @biggie why don't you put it as a banner till the 1st so that many people can notice it.
    and Guys i ll be attending please finalize the date and time 😀
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