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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 10, 2012

    In 2 months can anyone prepare for CAT , how to start with it 👀
    Preparation would depend on the person. So there can't be just one strategy that applies to everyone. But yes, it's possible to prepare for CAT in 2 months.

    Begin with the areas you are strong in and make sure you're stronger. If time permits, focus on the weak areas as well. Apart from that there can't be any strategy.
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  • cooltwins

    MemberAug 12, 2012

    Yes it is possible to crack CAT within a span of two months. Like what biggie said try and make your strong areas stronger. But make sure you are aware of (at least) the basics of all topics. So that in case a simple question appears, you can attempt it. Don't create mind blocks.

    Most important of all, don't enrol in all the mock CAT series. Do enrol in one (and only one) test series and analyse the test papers once the scores are out. You can find out your strengths and weaknesses that way.

    When it comes to math, You will come across at least 20 to 40 formula per chapter. I'd suggest you make a list of it as you study. Trust me, it will help you.

    As for the verbal part, RC and LR are the game changers. Practise them daily and if you can attempt these 20 questions and the 2 jumbled questions, You have a fair chance of clearing the cut-offs.

    Hope this was of help. In case you have more doubts, feel free to ask. 😀
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorDec 20, 2015

    Anyone here has tried preparing for CAT in 2 months? Important parts of your strategy could involve - solving questions quickly, Learning by doing i.e. start solving practice questions, instead of spending time to understand concepts. Read only when you are stuck.
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