  • balaseven

    MemberNov 12, 2008

    Capacitor &Crystal

    Hi all,

    Whats the use of capacitors connected to input and output pins of crystals.i.e one terminal of capacitor is connected to crystal pins other terminal to ground.

    What the use of capacitor here?
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberNov 13, 2008

    they are used to control the requency and avoid the crystal goin into resonance
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  • rongo024

    MemberNov 18, 2008

    To reduce noise...Actually it helps to smooth operation..
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  • josenit1787

    MemberNov 20, 2008

    To reduce noise...Actually it helps to smooth operation..
    It will be of great help if you could elaborate this point a little more.
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  • just2rock

    MemberNov 20, 2008

    Let me tell you guys,peizo electric crystals or quartz crystals has timer functionality.So to keep an operational accuracy ,capacitors are grounded,be it from i/p pin or o/p,only for bypassing any surge voltage to get inside the device & damage the same,since crystals are very sensitive to fluctuating current
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  • neo1786

    MemberNov 24, 2008

    the capacitors will ground any spikes produced by the crystal and ensure tht no high frequency comp enters ur circuit.
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