  • In a lot of movies related to air force, we've seen that the pilots are shown to fly the airplanes upside down in their attempt to save hundreds of lives. 😁
    I read on a blog that it's theoretically impossible for passenger flights to pull such a feat. Even if a pilot tries a little bit, the aircraft will lose lift in the wings and the engine won't have the power to keep the airplane up.

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  • Mohit Kamat

    MemberDec 7, 2014

    It is possible for any aircraft to fly in an inverted position aerodynamically, though the fuel systems designed for commercial aircraft engines don't allow them to do so. The fuel will stop reaching the engines in an inverted position after sometime if the maneuver is carried out for an extended time. Even so, the aircraft can be barrel rolled at 1G (for people not knowing G-forces: the rolling action about the fuselage axis will replicate the gravitational pull, that is the centrifugal force will be equal to gravity) to keep the fuel perfectly balanced.
    So yes commercial aircrafts can fly in an upside down position given that their fuel systems are modified 😁
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  • Shashank Moghe

    MemberDec 8, 2014

    Well, I cannot comment about the aerodynamic aspect, but to skew my opinion, I have seen the movie Flight (Denzel Washington), which is NOT based on real events. But since the premise of the movie shows him *Spoiler Alert* crash landing after inverted flying a commercial passenger plane, I assume the director must have given this at least a more practical thought.
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  • ravi sisodia

    MemberDec 8, 2014

    I think It can fly upside down as we have seen many fighter planes at the air force day
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