Member • Jan 12, 2014
sr patilcan any one give me information about DBMS ?and Is it google is example of database? please give a real time example that why i understand the concept?
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Member • Jan 12, 2014
Real example of DBMS is your "Brain" storage area.
Database is nothing but storing information, it can be a text file, excel file, your notebook or anything where want to keep information safe.
DBMS is storing information and processing such way that when you want to fetch/store the information it will be easy to do the task.
Google is not DBMS, Google is a company. If you talking about Google Search service it uses highly sophisticated DBMS to store data but processing and showing to user is more complex than just building database.Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Administrator • Jan 13, 2014
@#-Link-Snipped-# : Regarding 'Google' : Google is a company that indexes all the data on the Internet and then stores it on their servers in the form of a database. As @#-Link-Snipped-# wrote; a database is just the data stored in a system. Google employes a lot of complicated algorithms and computing techniques to search this data on their servers and returns the links to the most relevant pages on their search results.
For example, all the discussions you see on CrazyEngineers, including this one, are stored in a database. When people use the search box (in the top - right corner, above the sidebar), the system searches for the most relevant information in the database and then shows it to the users.
DBMS aka 'Database Management System' is a name given to the system that stores and manages the data in a systematic manner. There are several DBMS available. Just make a search on Google.
I hope this answers your questions. If you still have questions, feel free to ask.Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Jan 15, 2014
Thank you sir!Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.