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  • galihrestu

    MemberMay 19, 2012

    in past i've learned.. multivibrator just build for a pulse maker;;
    but for switching system multivibrator could be a triger input for a transistor switch ..
    i can't answer the question on that doc bro.. haha cs i dont know; sorry 😁
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberMay 20, 2012

    in past i've learned.. multivibrator just build for a pulse maker;;
    but for switching system multivibrator could be a triger input for a transistor switch ..
    i can't answer the question on that doc bro.. haha cs i dont know; sorry 😁
    as multivibrator is generating pulses only it has no any feature for higher current capacity and it can't be use as power source like transistor so you can use it as pulse generator as told by #-Link-Snipped-#
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