  • I am a student studying computer science 2nd year 2nd sem. i heard about the languages python and corba. Am i capable of learning those languages. If so please suggest me some mateerial and the required software.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 22, 2010

    I am a student studying computer science 2nd year 2nd sem. i heard about the languages python and corba. Am i capable of learning those languages. If so please suggest me some mateerial and the required software.
    ...and what makes you think you can't learn the language. Why don't you, just do it?


    Head over to: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Welcome to</a> for all the information and reference material you need.
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  • Pensu

    MemberJan 23, 2010

    Ya...sure there is nothing u cant learn.....every language needs logic and for logic u need your mind....not previous knowledge of other languages.
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  • jd3cker

    MemberJan 23, 2010

    As they said, of course you can. Everyone starts somewhere. Python is a web scripting language. Google uses python heavily. Check out this resource, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Google Code</a> , and the python site at

    Corba on the other hand is not exactly a programming language, it is a standard. To understand the standard you should have some programming experience. I wouldn't really be overly concerned with this right now, depending on where you are. If you want to start somewhere, utilize those links and write some basic python scripts or programs. Hope that helps.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 23, 2010

    To the best of my knowledge, Google web crawlers (spiders) are also written in Python. 😀
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  • rigby

    MemberJan 26, 2010

    Python is actually a great language to start with. It's incredibly clean and has an active community. Python was what my CS 1 and 2 classes were taught with in my . As for Python tutorials, check out
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  • komputergeek

    MemberJun 3, 2011

    I believe python is the easiest language to learn.Writing python scripts is like writing pseudo code.Refer a book named 'Byte of Python'.
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