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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 25, 2007

    Moving the thread to CE IT-Help section.
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    MemberJun 26, 2007

    There could be one possible reason for this.The version of windows that you are running does not support the file system of your old hard disk.That is why it is not showing you the C drive of old hard disk.
    do a small favor on us.Post window's version and some more details..
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  • no_atkt

    MemberJun 28, 2007

    before anything just check whether the jumper is correctly connected

    also if its windows it has to be eirther fat32 or ntfs and both of them are shown i guess dont remmber .... tell us what format of partitions are ur disks
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 20, 2007

    Yes, no_atkt has a point about the jumpers. I believe you must set the secondary hard disk as a slave disk using those.

    Please give us more info as LORD_EC and no_atkt had requested! Details are important.. It could also help others who are facing similar problems 😀
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    MemberJul 20, 2007

    there is a simple solution to all problems associated with jumper/master/slave phenomenon.
    Choose the hard disk with which you want to boot.Now connect the jumper to the slave of this main hard disk.
    Now do not add any jumper to the other hard disk (neither at master nor at slave).
    This way you can see all the drives without any problems.
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