  • monkey_007

    MemberJun 4, 2014

    C Drive Issue

    Hi all,

    I have a doubt regarding C Drive Issue occured in production server of our company. If it have a low disk space then we will delete the virus definitions files and move the old installer files and many more. Why only those files we have to delete or why only we have to move old installer files to other drive?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 4, 2014

    I think we'll need to understand the situation a bit in more detail. Could you start by informing which operating system does your production machine run?

    Also - which anti-virus software are you running on the machine and where exactly do you move the old installer files? Is the other drive a different HDD or a partition on your existing HDD?

    I'd recommend partitioning your machine to run only the operating system on 'C:' , and keep all the data and application software on different partitions; based on your machine's setup.
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  • monkey_007

    MemberJun 4, 2014

    Yes actually I do work as a Consultant(Windows operations).

    Well I usually get these type of tickets mentioning C Drive is having low space. Then we delete the files I have mentioned. Mostly our production servers run on Windows Server 2003 and 2008 operating system.We use Symantec anti virus. Mostly our server owners raise this C Drive Issue. We will move the files to other drives mostly D Drive.

    My question is why only these files we move or delete?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 4, 2014

    Well, I don't know why it happens; but installing stuff on C:, aka the one which hosts the operating system, tends to slow down the system. What really helps is to install the Anti-virus on a separate drive - say D:

    The files you mentioned are the ones which usually end up eating huge amount of space. I'm not sure how deleting the latest virus definitions would help; but you should also ask the clients to clean up their drive using Windows inbuilt drive cleaner. It cleans up the temp directory and you can claim several GBs in several cases. See this page on instructions about how to enable it: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Add Disk Cleanup in Server 2008</a>

    The only logical explanation I can come up with is this: The C: is meant to host the Operating System files; which cannot be moved. Therefore the options for the files that can be moved to another drive are pretty limited. I think Symantec allows moving of files to another drive and adjusts the paths accordingly.
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  • yogi.bharadwaj

    MemberJun 4, 2014

    Yes actually I do work as a Consultant(Windows operations).

    Well I usually get these type of tickets mentioning C Drive is having low space. Then we delete the files I have mentioned. Mostly our production servers run on Windows Server 2003 and 2008 operating system.We use Symantec anti virus. Mostly our server owners raise this C Drive Issue. We will move the files to other drives mostly D Drive.

    My question is why only these files we move or delete?
    The c drive is the basic operating drive in windows os and most of us uses less space for c drive because a large space in c drive will also increases its bootup time. Now the other issue is that it has all the temperory or required files for any software to run.
    The required files are very essential to run so we can't touch them till now we have enough knowledge to di it.
    On the other side the temperary files contains the logs or the middle operations for any task.once the task is completed these files are no longer usable but covers a space in we clear them mostly by %temp% to locate the temp and clear it.
    Now the antivirus: every time we scan our sytem or update it .it generates the temp files which can be removed had no effect on system.
    So as per my knowlege these are the basic issues. Correct me if i am wrong at any point above discussed.
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  • monkey_007

    MemberJun 4, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Well, I don't know why it happens; but installing stuff on C:, aka the one which hosts the operating system, tends to slow down the system. What really helps is to install the Anti-virus on a separate drive - say D:

    The files you mentioned are the ones which usually end up eating huge amount of space. I'm not sure how deleting the latest virus definitions would help; but you should also ask the clients to clean up their drive using Windows inbuilt drive cleaner. It cleans up the temp directory and you can claim several GBs in several cases. See this page on instructions about how to enable it: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Add Disk Cleanup in Server 2008</a>

    The only logical explanation I can come up with is this: The C: is meant to host the Operating System files; which cannot be moved. Therefore the options for the files that can be moved to another drive are pretty limited. I think Symantec allows moving of files to another drive and adjusts the paths accordingly.

    We usually delete old files not the latest ones and we are not supposed to ask our clients to clean up their drive.
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