Roots of this problem again goes to the education system. The fact that someone is going to purchase a project is solely because the teacher as well is not bothered about it. Find me how many cases you see where you buy people to write your theory exams? None! And this is because theory exams are considered to be of utmost important while the project is considered as a formality.
Another reason is the forced admission in the engineering even when the person don't like it. If you're not interested in doing something, there's no way you'll take any initiative or put any efforts to it. And its unfortunate, about 95% who holds (or in process of getting) "Bachelor of Engineering" today falls under this category. In a class of strength 60, you'll not find more than 3 people who actually wanted to pursue engineering out of their interest. Others pretty much just choose because of their parents, their belief that their actual interest won't give them job or just because they first thought they like Engineering but later disliked it. For these people, engineering is just another set of exams where you got to revise and revise the previous year question papers and clear the exam in flying colors with grades touching sky. All what matter here is grades. Hence, they tend not to waste time on creating something rather preferring to spend some bucks to get a project.
It's of course not cool to buy a project and Engineers would never do that. For rest of the people who holds the Bachelor of Engineering degree, well go ahead if it makes you feel better. You deserve to get at least this much happiness in form of grades. Your sacrifice is significant. Choosing something, which you'll be doing for life, you don't like. Gosh, its unimaginable for me.
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Education has become money making field, this has to change.
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The "system" is to blame here for sure. But then somebody enlightened me saying, "Oh, isn't buying a project and learning how to do it from someone better than just copy-pasting someone else's project" -- Was quite astonished to hear that.
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Many great innovations and ideas actually sprung up from engineering projects.
I think its the ability to apply one's knowledge and skills that should count in case of evaluation of the projects. Unfortunately, this is not the case most of the times.
In my view, today, most people take up engineering perhaps because the word sounds fancy and it gives them a better chance of landing a job than any other degree.
I wish people would realize that education is for life and not just livelihood.
Perhaps if they spend more time researching, they can surely come up with ideas equal to, if not better, than that of the person from whom they are buying the project.
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Ankita Katdare
The "system" is to blame here for sure. But then somebody enlightened me saying, "Oh, isn't buying a project and learning how to do it from someone better than just copy-pasting someone else's project" -- Was quite astonished to hear that.
Ah! But I don't think either of these is really useful.
Although many people don't seem to be interested at all in Engineering, and yes, they just fight for grades, even in my class, "Computer Science" people are not really interested in coding stuff, even they are learning or I should say "Rattafication" is done just to grab the basics, but if someone pick the code they made, and ask a single line from between, they remain quiet, because they didn't know how it came, or why it is implied in that way.
I really don't seem why Indian Engineering is this way, they don't even update the syllabus. We are still studying technology which is more than 10 years old. they don't take any pain in updating the stuff, and teach students, how technology is advancing, and what new upcoming things are.
I agree, that I don't know much either about all new latest gadget, but actually I like to learn because I love to learn, I don't need just "Marks" , but what I want is, after 4 years of this graduation, I should learn something and would be able to develop something on my own.
That is why I came forward to make a blog. The reason is, people would learn from the blog, and I would also learn from the blog and doing editing in CSS/HTML of the site, to customize it as per my need/wishes, which would help me to understand the "Real things" and I would experience some code in "Real".
I'll do my final year project by myself or with a team of dedicated individuals which are really interested in learning something, rather than buy a project and get full marks, because I know, in the end , I'll be the Winner.
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Indian Education system is not much. True that!
I've got a different opinion on this topic though. It's the uneasiness towards taking a failure at your own that often prevents someone from doing projects on their own. But for anything really innovative to happen, sacrifices are to be made and certain risks have to be taken. If you failed trying, it is more valuable than getting marks without trying at-all. And if you need help, then select your project, do what you can to your best for the project, and the rest - ask for advice. Don't blindly get it done by someone.
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Do you think that buying engineering projects is cool, or not?
That is horrible.
I would rather fail than do that.
One of the CEan students came to me for a project last year. The team had four members though only two came for discussions.
They spent a lot of time building the hardware, testing it and even going to actual users for an opinion of their work. They got 95% marks.
But then he was a CEan in the real sense.
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I guess as a society, this is what we advocate. e.g. from school days, students start copying homework - rather than attempting to do it on their own. Copying in exams become the next step. No wonder, the same guys are seen buying projects in colleges.
We need to get out of the mentality that marks or money is what defines our worth as individuals. Competition is over-rated and we should not succumb to it. Define your own pace of learning; draw your own plan for life; explore your own path for the journey.
Clear board exams at 16 and engg./medical/banking entrance at 18, get a job at 22, get married at 24, buy a car at 25, buy a house at 26, become parents at 28 and then repeat the whole cycle with the kids. What's so enchanting about the traditional way of life people have lived so far?
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Anand Tamariya
Clear board exams at 16 and engg./medical/banking entrance at 18, get a job at 22, get married at 24, buy a car at 25, buy a house at 26, become parents at 28 and then repeat the whole cycle with the kids. What's so enchanting about the traditional way of life people have lived so far?
However hard we try to change as kids, this is the end result for 99% of the people.
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However hard we try to change as kids, this is the end result for 99% of the people.
Don't try to change as kids. But DO start to change as an adult - or atleast start questioning!!!
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I would really like to have some comments here from some students who have actually "bought" their engineering project and hear their side of the story. Why do they do what they do.
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Well this is a very serious issue. I have personally seen this situation. In my class too, out of 105 about 60 bought their projects and worst case is that they are awarded similar marks like others who do their project at their own.
For example, I did my project on performance evaluation of biodiesel and was awarded around 84-85 marks out of 100 whereas people who bought their projects with simple mechanisms were awarded between 70 to 80. 😔
To be honest, teachers and evaluators are equally responsible for this. They just ignore this. I mean you can easily distinguish between self made and bought project. People who buy, most of those even don't know fundamentals behind their projects. They know working as per told by the maker of project and get PPT/Thesis from maker too. So there's nothing to worry. Just have some money and your works is done easily whereas a student/group who do their project on their own do a lot of hard work from literature review to manufacturing and then fabrication, thesis writing, proof reading etc etc..
For me, its more the responsibility of evaluators to stop this rubbish ritual being performed in most of colleges. They should completely reject those projects irrespective of kindness or marking less marks than others.
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Well ! After hearing all these comments let me explain the scenario of our college. Last year We had a Mini project to be done . When I talked with my classmates during the start of that academic semester about this project work they said different ideas, i was actually amazed to hear such projects.
But the problem is that no faculty comes forward to guide us and also students in our college are not that good in Engneering skills even that is because of faculty.
I will not completely rely on saying that FACULTY DOESN'T HELPS US. But still they got A ROLE TO PERFORM. so my view is that if faculties comes forward to help and assist us definitely there will be no need for buying a project outside.
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I was thinking of some project idea for my fourth year. First I thought of biomass gasifier. But it was very costly, as well as require much research and lab work. And as i don't have proper labs in my college, I have to drop this idea. Then i searched for some projects which could make use of renewable source of energy. Solar energy struck me. I was thinking how to innovate something from solar panel.. I thought of solar homes. I search on net, and there was exactly the same model already present which I thought. But as I have less time and I have to submit the synopsis as well, I have to stick to this one.. Though it is not innovative... I wished I could have thought something new..
There are so many college which don't even have proper labs and instructor as in my case- no lab at all. just theoretical knowledge(chemical engg in my college). Even if someone has some new idea, they cannot work upon it due to lack of guidance... The education system in india has so many flaws and it ought to be improved soon.
One of my friend is buying the project. She says that lab instructor does not allow them to use equipments and research except for 2 periods which is alloted for lab. Moreover, they say that it is easier for them to buy the project instead of giving time to research.
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Well ! After hearing all these comments let me explain the scenario of our college. Last year We had a Mini project to be done . When I talked with my classmates during the start of that academic semester about this project work they said different ideas, i was actually amazed to hear such projects.
But the problem is that no faculty comes forward to guide us and also students in our college are not that good in Engneering skills even that is because of faculty.
I will not completely rely on saying that FACULTY DOESN'T HELPS US. But still they got A ROLE TO PERFORM. so my view is that if faculties comes forward to help and assist us definitely there will be no need for buying a project outside.
same is the case here.
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For every project group, a guide is allotted. The guide or the teacher is supposed to be knowledgeable in that field of study to actually guide the students. It is the very first time for students to build something, they are not expected to do it on their own!
The Engineering students, liking the subject or not liking, actually do so much to become an Engineer.. learning, mugging, giving exams, performing practicals. And a proper guidance would only make it interesting. Who wouldn't want to build a project on their own?
In my college, the ones who did project in some Software Company, did it by themselves. We got proper mentoring from the basics, steps, references, got our queries solved with the correct explanation. In college, the guide only demands the functionality achieved and the completion status of the project. They are not interested what goes in it, let alone solve queries.
Students, in the final year, already worried about the placements and marks to grab a good one; tend to follow a easier way to get those.
And the problem is all the college teachers know that students buy the projects. I have heard them joking, that it makes them less stressed. wth.
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Neda Hashmi
There are so many college which don't even have proper labs and instructor as in my case- no lab at all. just theoretical knowledge(chemical engg in my college). Even if someone has some new idea, they cannot work upon it due to lack of guidance...
I am horrified. In Andhra 'Varsity (1957) when I was doing my ChemE from day one, every afternoon was practicals. Every week one plant visit. We got a lot of hands on exposure. Some us used to help the PhD students with their experiments after hours, which helped us learn a lot.
I must say that the teachers were with us all the way.
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I am horrified. In Andhra 'Varsity (1957) when I was doing my ChemE from day one, every afternoon was practicals. Every week one plant visit. We got a lot of hands on exposure. Some us used to help the PhD students with their experiments after hours, which helped us learn a lot.
I must say that the teachers were with us all the way.
I wish I would have studied harder during my school life so that i could get myself in better college than this. i din't know that this college do not have lab. we just have mass transfer and material operation lab, in which equipments do not work.. and just 1 plant visit in my four year of b.tech.. i have to deal with it. just mugging the formulas and concept from book is not enough na
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just mugging the formulas and concept from book is not enough na
Never do that. All concepts must get into the blood. You may not remember complicated formulae. They can be looked up. But make concepts your own. Especially thermodynamics. The concepts must be deep rooted. It helps to identify these in the world around you, in everyday life.
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Never do that. All concepts must get into the blood. You may not remember complicated formulae. They can be looked up. But make concepts your own. Especially thermodynamics. The concepts must be deep rooted. It helps to identify these in the world around you, in everyday life.
I understand what you are saying Sir, but sometimes it is so frustrating and demotivating that even after loving my branch and subjects, I do not want to study its core. i just study what it really needed to make my exams clear with around 75%.
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Passing the exam is a need. Whatever has to be done must be done. You can pursue your liking afterwards also.
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I agree that it was a bad thing but what can you expect from a poor Engineer.
As our CEans said a college without a proper lab plays a deciding factor for all problems. Only a few could get a reference and do some projects in industries where as many of the poor students would not have a proper money or time or reference to do a good project and even if they have a better idea teachers would degrade their imagination and creativity by saying that "It would cost more,we dont have the facility to do it here,etc".
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It doesn't matter it is a cool idea or not. But according to me it is a very bad thing which doesn't have its roots on students.
It is unfair to blame the students who have bought a so called engineering project. if they cant develop one it doesn't mean they are the only to blame.
I think they are provided the environment to do so. The students irrespective of the major they've opted for mostly study everything in common especially in engineering stream.
There is no room for research as the education is completely based on grades and marks which governs the students for years. They are expected to get good grades not to improve their standards.
it is mandatory for a student to take up a project so as they know nothing on their stream they are forced to do so.
for example take my stream of computer science a student knows nothing about image processing but studied a long book of almost a 1000 pages in order to write 5 16 mark questions.
those 16 mark answers will never ever help to develop a solution to an existing problem on any field.
"It is unfair to blame ONLY students" But that doesn't mean students are not to be blamed. understand the difference (y) 😀 😀 proud CE 😀
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Ankita Katdare
I was earlier today discussing with a friend about the general trend followed by students in engineering colleges in India when they are in final year or final semester. They just don't make engineering projects anymore. Everyone is buying a final year project and getting full marks for it. According to a report published by The Hindu in february this year, Internet has no more left a place to only buy clothes, books and household stuff. Engineering students are increasingly using the Net to pick up academic projects, all done and dusted.
Interestingly, the people who sell engineering projects also provide training for this project. Be it a coded software for a small enterprise or a fully functional mechanical device - They will provide you the completed project ready-made from their stock and teach you how they built it. One of the websites selling its services states “Over 2014 VTU projects completed.” Another claims “Satisfaction 100 per cent guaranteed.” The cost of these engineering projects range from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 20,000 based on the complexity and the time required to deliver it. The amount seems less because it is equally divided in a group of 4 or 5 students who are supposed to build the project together. One student said in her class of 65, only 25 did their projects on their own.
Well, engineering students in their final year are definitely expected to mandatorily work on their projects for a total of 100 marks. But nobody can decide the credibility of the creator of a finished good. So, how do the teachers who strive for original projects maintain the decorum? Well, they can just give less marks!
My question to all the engineers here is - If a student can't build anything sensible of his/her own from the knowledge he/she has gathered in 2-3 years of technical education - Isn't it good that he/she spend time understanding how the "bought project was built?"
Do you think that buying engineering projects is cool, or not?
i think it is not cool by buying the project he cheates himself not any other because by doing this he is unable to learn the thungs for which theprojec t work is given to him. so everybody should make there projects not to buy them.
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Definitely it is not a cool idea to buy a project instead of trying out on their own.But here we cant blame the students completely.Because even though some students are interested in doing projects on their own,the colleges are not providing them with proper guidance.But in my opinion doing own project,though it is a small one,is better rather buying or copying one's project.
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This is actually the reason behind the degradation of quality of creativity and uniqueness and this is the reason, B.E/ B.Tech is just a degree to show off unless you make something on your own. M against the market of pre-made projects
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Cool- if you do not want to learn something and just want to get over it.
NOT IDEAL at all if you really want to do and learn something...
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Buying a project and taking the credits of having done it by yourself is morally wrong, and should not be done, nor accepted. In our college, rather in most colleges proper mentoring is provided and students are able to generated something judicious at the end of their four year course.
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Final year students are tempted to buy their projects online due to two reasons acc to me
1.It is easy to approach(due to laziness )
2.They want a good project that means project topic should be good and finishing of the project should be nice.
3.They want to get full marks.
As we know a hot topic for debate discussions 'science is a boon or curse'
Internet gives us the freedom to search anything study anything ad in fact buy anything ,if we take it in a positive way it can lead us to success or i can lead us to failure. So my suggestion would be we can tell to the students that they have to be 100% honest it will not be but I also don,t say that they should not be honest they should be honest but at the same time teachers should also take their responsibility to note that whether the topic is real one or just copy paste and they should given marks on their originality rather than finishing .
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Engineering was once thought to be one of the best carriers to be pursued by most of the students in India. This thinking still prevails and thus the result is India is producing engineers in big quantity but there's no quality. A dozens of new engineering colleges come up every year. however the quality of education that needs to be imparted is just overlooked. There is a fault in our educational system that students buy projects online and easily get the marks which is absolutely unfair on the part of teacher as well as the students doing such activities.
This can be reduced to some extent if instead of using VBD's to study for exams students understand and learn the concepts from textbooks and reference books. Now-a-days the situation is that even Mtech students study using VBD's and later are appointed as teachers by engineering institutions. So in such cases what can a teacher who has studied from VBD's and completed his/her phd will teach students? Such acts of insincerity can be reduced only if the students are motivated by teachers and are guided in right direction.
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I am in final year. My teacher asked me to submit synopsis for final year project in 7th sem and due to shortage of time i had to submit a dummy synopsis.
now i am in 8th sem and my guide is not at all bothered about what i submitted and he actually thinks its a very nice topic but the truth is it was on an old ieee paper.
And that means he did not even surfed about it. they just want their work to be done.
yes they don't care if you do it by yourself or you buy it from somewhere.
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#-Link-Snipped-# Don't you agree that it is a failure of the system? Engineering college graduates today shout their opinions saying India only produces bad quality engineers. Engineers from premium institutes in India are seen venting out on various platforms like Twitter and Quora about how they see the quality of engineers in India degrading year after year. The system can't fail if engineering students take charge. Even a remote college in a remote village with poor facilities for tech labs can produce high quality engineers. An academic project is the best chance for engineering students to apply the knowledge they've gathered for 4 long years in something useful. Make something. Build something. Improve an existing system. Innovate.
But we choose to buy projects or simply copy paste the projects from the internet, because that is easy. Buying projects will never be cool. Let's try to learn and not go to college just for the sake of grades and owning a certificate/a degree that's of little or no use, if the engineer can't put his/her knowledge to solve a problem.
If they don't care, that's their problem. Creating useful projects and building innovative projects is our problem. Engineering students need to take charge. And guess what, many of them have started realizing and doing it. You should too. 😀
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