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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 5, 2017

    I have been using SFTP/SSH comfortably and haven't faced any issue. It could be a temporary issue.
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberAug 5, 2017

    are you on bsnl broadband?
    I just received message due to malware attack they have blocked port 22
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberAug 5, 2017

    Can't access our servers from home either.
    I have changed SSH service default port and it seems working fine.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 5, 2017

    Manish Goyal
    are you on bsnl broadband?
    I just received message due to malware attack they have blocked port 22
    I'm not in the office now and have limited access from mobile. Will try it out and let you know. But I did access our test servers using SFTP and SSH and it didn't have any issue. I use BSNL FTTH connection.

    Update: A lot of people seem to be facing issue with port22 connection, and I think the problem could be real. I'm unable to verify it at the moment. Not sure if this s region specific.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 8, 2017

    Got this message at random while I was performing routine server maintenance task. Not sure what I did because it popped up while I was closing a few browser tabs.

    Dear FTTH Customer

    Please Ensure that your device/modem/system is SAFE by following the instructions below.
    Security guidelines for FTTH ONTS:

    • #-Link-Snipped-#
    • #-Link-Snipped-#
    • #-Link-Snipped-#
    General guidelines:
    • Enable Firewall in ONT as well as on Computer.
    • Turn off Modems while not in use.
    • Download #-Link-Snipped-# from #-Link-Snipped-# and run at regular intervals .
    • Install and maintain updated anti-virus and anti-malware software on your system.
    • Scan computer with anti-virus regularly.
    • Use genuine software only.
    • Keep up-to-date patches and fixes on the operating system and application software.
    • Exercise caution while opening unknown email attachments.
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  • KenJackson

    MemberAug 9, 2017

    For maximum security they should add, "Replace Windows with Linux" to the general guidelines.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 9, 2017

    For maximum security they should add, "Replace Windows with Linux" to the general guidelines.
    True, but it's still damn difficult for the masses to use. You may argue that the GUI distros are tad easy; but it's the familiarity with the interface that keeps people going. I switched from Windows to OSX (now MacOS) and have began finding Windows difficult to use 😁 .
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