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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberFeb 19, 2008

    Re: breaking of password

    Nikhil, boot through a boot live cd from a linux system. Mount the HDD, and overwrite the shadow password area of linux with your own admin password 😀

    If this sounds as too much of mumbo-jumbo, then there are XP password Live CD kits available online which do the same as well. Just google for XP admin password overwrite or so.
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  • amjadjaan

    MemberMar 30, 2008

    how can i break password of win xp when i do not enter in the system it wants administrator password. so i want to know about break the password of win xp

    There was a loop hole in D Windows XP.which was discovered by the microsoft personnals..U can Break Administrator Password by the following method:
    1. Place your Windows XP CD(Bootable) in your cd-rom and start your computer
    2. Keep your eye on the screen messages for booting to your cd Typically, it will be “Press any key to boot from cd”
    3. Once you get in, the first screen will indicate that Setup is inspecting your system and loading files.
    4. When you get to the Welcome to Setup screen, press ENTER to Setup Windows now
    5. The Licensing Agreement comes next - Press F8 to accept it.
    6. The next screen is the Setup screen which gives you the option to do a Repair.
    It should read something like “If one of the following Windows XP installations is damaged, Setup can try to repair it”
    Use the up and down arrow keys to select your XP instruction
    7. Let the Repair run. Setup will now check your disks and then start copying files which can take several minutes.
    8. Shortly after the Copying Files stage, you will be required to reboot. (this will happen automatically – you will see a progress bar stating “Your computer will reboot in 15 seconds”
    9. During the reboot, do not make the mistake of “pressing any key” to boot from the CD again! Setup will resume automatically with the standard billboard screens and you will notice Installing Windows is highlighted.
    10. Keep your eye on the lower left hand side of the screen and when you see the Installing Devices progress bar, press SHIFT + F10. This is the security hole! A command console will now open up giving you the potential for wide access to your system.
    11. At the prompt, type NUSRMGR.CPL and press Enter. NOw You have just gained graphical access to your User Accounts in the Control Panel.
    12. Now simply pick the account you need to change and remove or change your password as you prefer. If you want to log on without having to enter your new password, you can type control userpasswords2 at the prompt and choose to log on. .......Regards AMJADJAAN
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  • sshikhar21

    MemberApr 5, 2008


    I don't have much idea about this but i am sure about this,
    that their is a battery inside the cabinet that has a small battery attached with the connecting wire and u plug out the wire the any type of password resets
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  • komputergeek

    MemberOct 21, 2008

    Removing battery resets BIOS password and not windows password
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  • xero

    MemberOct 21, 2008

    solution provided amjadjaan's work with XP but not with win XP SP2.
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  • shenouda

    MemberMay 25, 2009

    in my work there is admin computer ,i want to prevent this persion which have this computer to see or controlling my coputer
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberMay 25, 2009

    Are these things to be discussed further??

    No need to break security or need not break the admin password which are aganist the rules.

    Please close this thread 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 25, 2009

    Thread closed.

    Update: Thread is being reopened. Thank you for your inputs, E-S & CrazyBoy.
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  • safwan

    MemberMay 26, 2009

    I have some qestions ???
    why ther is need for braking password in ofice ?
    why we have to breake the rule?
    if we go to ofice and do some other work other than assigned work then this situation arise . but it is good decission by biggie for those if we forget out password thenthis can help us.
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  • slashfear

    MemberMay 26, 2009

    Hi Nikhil,

    There is an easy way to change the password, if you have an guest user in the PC.

    If you have an guest account then you can hack the admin password (without knowing the previous password, not only admin account but all user accounts in XP ;-)) from your guest account, Let me explain how to do that.....

    Enter into the guest account, then do the following:

    1) Open the command prompt ( start -> run -> type "cmd" and press enter)

    2) Then type " net user * " and press enter, You will find all the user names in the PC

    3) Then type " net user admin * " then press enter, it will prompt you with the new password for the user name you mentioned, then type in the desired password thats it you hacked the user name (The admin is the user name , you can use any name you want to hack)

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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberMay 26, 2009

    Awesome information man but one thing isn't there any other way such that Admin doesn't come to know that his/her password is changed by us ? 😉
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  • slashfear

    MemberMay 26, 2009

    Hi guys,

    Here is another way to bypass the windows admin password ;-),


    Yes you can do that by using a tool, here is how you do it.........:smile:

    1. Get physical access to the machine. Remember that it must have a CD or DVD drive.
    2. Download DreamPackPL HERE: #-Link-Snipped-#
    3. Unzip the downloaded and you’ll get dpl.ISO.
    4. Use any burning program that can burn ISO images.
    5. After you have the disk, boot from the CD or DVD drive. You will see Windows 2000 Setup and it will load some files.
    6. Press “R” to install DreamPackPL.
    7. Press “C” to install DreamPackPL by using the recovery console.
    8. Select the Windows installation that is currently on the computer (Normally is “1″ if you only have one Windows installed)
    9. Backup your original sfcfiles.dll by typing:
    “ren C:\Windows\System32\sfcfiles.dll sfcfiles.lld” (without quotes)
    10. Copy the hacked file from CD to system32 folder. Type:
    “copy D:\i386\pinball.ex_ C:\Windows\System32\sfcfiles.dll” (without quotes and assuming your CD drive is D: drive )
    11. Type “exit”, take out disk and reboot.
    12. In the password field, type “dreamon” (without quotes) and DreamPack menu will appear.
    13. Click the top graphic on the DreamPack menu and you will get a menu popup.
    14. Go to commands and enable the options and enable the god command.
    15. Type “god” in the password field to get in Windows.

    You can also go to Passwords and select “Logon with wrong password and hash”. This option allows you to login with ANY password.

    Note: I was unable to bring up the DreamPackPL for the first time because I have Kaspersky Anti-Virus already running in background. I believe most antivirus already labelled this tool as a Hack-Tool. A Hack-Tool is NOT a virus. DreamPackPL helps you bypass the Windows Login screen and it is not destructive.

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  • Anil Jain

    MemberMay 26, 2009

    Nice information Slash !!!

    You mentioned two ways here one is to change the admin password and another is to by pass the Admin password. What if I want to break (check) the admin password. I am not able to recall the file name at \Windows\System32 where it stores all the system passwords in some encrypted form. If we can hack that file there are ways to decrypt those passwords.

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  • Anil Jain

    MemberMay 26, 2009

    I could recall the password locations:-

    Password Location - Windows passwords are stored in a SAM file which is usually located in the Windows directory ( ..\WINDOWS\system32\config).

    Encryption - Recent versions of the Microsoft Windows operating systems store all passwords in an encrypted format. The algorithm used to encrypt passwords is usually the secure hash standard. If the passwords were to have been stored in an unencrypted format they would be readily available for use once you had located the SAM file where they are stored.

    Brute Force - One of the easiest way to implement methods of “cracking” an encrypted password is by a technique known as “brute force”. The brute force approach essentially tries every possible combination of characters and numbers until it finds a password that works.

    Un-fortunately till now I have not used the technique Brute Force, I will study this and will provide the reference link for that.

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  • Anil Jain

    MemberMay 26, 2009

    Loads of methods of re-seting / un locking the passwords (as per me these all methods are under gray hacking umbrella.)

    Please find methods at this location:-

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  • ShrinkDWorld

    MemberMay 27, 2009

    Thanks Crazyboy
    You give More important information
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  • wolverene

    MemberMay 28, 2009

    hi man i dn know wheather this reply is late but just tru this

    This is a cool little #-Link-Snipped-# trick for #-Link-Snipped-# trick I’ve picked up in my travels and decided to share it with you fine and ethical individuals =). Log in and go to your DOS command prompt and enter these commands exactly:
    mkdir temphack
    copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr
    copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe
    del logon.scr
    rename cmd.exe logon.scr
    So what you just told windows to backup is the command program and the screen saver file. Then you edited the settings so when windows loads the screen saver, you will get an unprotected dos prompt without logging in. When this appears enter this command that’s in parenthesis (net user password). So if the admin user name is Doug and you want the password 1234 then you would enter “net user Doug 1234″ and now you’ve changed the admin password to 1234. Log in, do what you want to do, copy the contents of temphack back into system32 to cover your tracks.

    or goto
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  • bombermanneo

    MemberDec 10, 2009

    As far as I know , there are two main methods to solve the windows password problem as follows:
    1st Method:
    Start system and when you see Windows Welcome screen / Login screen, press ctrl+alt+del keys twice and it'll show Classic Login box. Now type \Administrator\ (without quotes) in Username and leave Password field blank. Now press Enter and you should be able to log in Windows.
    Now you can reset your account password from \Control Panel - User Accounts\.
    Same thing can be done using Safe Mode. In Safe Mode Windows will show this in-built Administrator account in Login screen.

    2th Method:
    Windows password Recovery software:
    for example:<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Windows Password Recovery Tool - Reset Login Password for Windows 10/8/7/XP</a> . It is easy and convenient to use.
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