  • I recently watched gameplay of MOBA style Blizzard's game - Heroes Of The Storm, and it looks outstanding. The game mechanics are lot lot different than DoTa or LoL.

    Check the gameplay by blizz devs :

    If Blizz makes Heroes of the storm as F2P, it might pull dota2 players & even LoL players.
    What say @#-Link-Snipped-# , how does the game looks ? I am quite sure, you'd be patiently waiting for this game too😀
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberDec 31, 2013

    Aye, it will be great. I have been following Blizzard games for quite some time now and my pet peeve against them is that they are slow to release ... even a simple game such as Hearthfire took more than a year ... by that time other companies had their clones out.

    In MOBA games, DOTA2 is by far the best yet ... not only because of the constant content updates but also because in this game F2P does not necessarily mean Pay to Win ... I hope Blizzard also follows suit!

    If Heroes of Storm were to go towards Pay to Win (which is a common trend with Blizzard games), then I will stick to DOTA2
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