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  • vipulb

    MemberMar 18, 2008

    Hey Jiten..
    I am vipul working with Cybage Softwares,Pune.
    Actually I am working with white box testing...but i am intrested for black box for my next project.....lets start
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  • pradeep_agrawal

    MemberMar 18, 2008

    I am a developer so i don't have idea of the practices for black box testing. But i think this should be considered while testing:
    - Before starting the testing, one must study the application requirement document in detail so that he/she has good understanding of the application.
    - While creating test cases he should take care that test cases are written considering the setup environment specified in the requirement document (OS, disk space, memory etc.)
    - While creating test cases he should take care that test cases are written for all the requirements.
    - While creating test cases he should take care that the test case maps to current requirement and is not an enhancement to the application.
    - Including destructive test cases (scenario which may not occur on regular basis but have chances to occur) is good, but a limit should be set for the same.

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  • skamthe81

    MemberJun 1, 2008

    while developing test cases a tester has to
    make sure of covering all requirements
    develop -ve test cases also
    make sure to use less no of test n cover most of the requirements.....for this u may use different black box testing techniques which help u choose inputs that will cover both +ve n -ve tests.......
    make sure of considering the test h/w n s/w requirements of the software...........
    there can be more but these are a few ............

    hope it prooves usefull to viewers!!!!!!!!!
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