  • We've been searching for a payment gateway that can accept credit cards and other forms of payments (especially in India, like net-banking). The best option so far (with my limited search) seems to be setting up a banking account in the United States and setting up a payment gateway with it. Why? Because it'd allow us to accept recurring payments from all over the world.

    Few gateways I surveyed had restrictions on the payment types (only physical products, no digital products, no SaaS etc.) and that's why we're looking for something that works all the times, in all the countries for any type of products and services.

    Would love to have your suggestions and recommendations. Thanks!
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  • Bashiruddin Naik

    MemberJul 18, 2014

    Go for Payumoney if your products are limited and of any kind(Indian Oriented)
    For higher volume go for ccAvenue.

    Or Go for 2Checkout for any digital product Globally. Better than Paypal.
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  • Janeesa Hollingshead

    MemberJul 23, 2014

    Go for Payumoney if your products are limited and of any kind(Indian Oriented)
    For higher volume go for ccAvenue.

    Or Go for 2Checkout for any digital product Globally. Better than Paypal.
    Thanks for recommending 2Checkout!

    #-Link-Snipped-#, our sales team would be happy to chat with you about your specific needs. You can reach us at #-Link-Snipped-#. Looking forward to hearing from you!
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  • Bashiruddin Naik

    MemberJul 23, 2014

    Janeesa Hollingshead
    Thanks for recommending 2Checkout!

    #-Link-Snipped-#, our sales team would be happy to chat with you about your specific needs. You can reach us at #-Link-Snipped-#. Looking forward to hearing from you!
    To my knowledge you guys are definitely going to beat paypal! in near future!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 23, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Welcome to CrazyEngineers. I'll be in touch with the sales team; I however want to know whether you take India based businesses on board. The commissions you have seem to be a lot more than the competition; especially when we're dealing in Indian currency.
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  • Janeesa Hollingshead

    MemberJul 31, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Thanks! Yes, we do take Indian-based businesses on board as long as they do not sell products on our prohibited products list.
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